Showing posts with label Luciano Pitronello. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Luciano Pitronello. Show all posts

Friday, August 31, 2012

Chilean anarchist bomber sentenced to six years of probation

Wednesday, 15 August 2012 Santiago Times

Attempted bomber acquitted of terrorist charges and spared jail.

Luciano Pitronello, a 23-year-old anarchist on trial for a bombing attempt last year, was sentenced to six years of probation by the Fourth Oral Criminal Tribunal in Santiago on Wednesday. Pitronello will serve the sentence under house arrest.
Luciano Pitronello smiles after hearing the court's verdict. Photo courtesy of La Tercera/Facebook
The case has been a source of particular controversy in Chile, especially after the court decided last week that Pitronello’s actions could not be constituted as terrorism.

Pitronello’s lawyer, Carlos Mora, spoke of his client’s satisfaction after the sentencing.

“He is very satisfied by the verdict because the only thing he was asking for was to not be labelled as a terrorist, because he isn’t one,” Mora told the press. “He knew he was to be convicted, and he risked effective punishments.”

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Santiago, $hile: Tortuga’s house arrest revoked

February 17th, 2012 Contra Info

The second room of the Santiago Court of Appeals revoked the house arrest of comrade Luciano Pitronello, as he is considered ‘a danger to society’. Furthermore, the appellate judges ruled that he allegedly has a possibility of escape because of dual citizenship (Chilean–Italian) and obtains an updated passport, yet another reason for their decision was his ‘good health condition’ (!) which doesn’t justify house detention. This juridical coup d’état was also based on Tortuga’s recent ‘letter to the indomitable hearts’, thus prosecuting the insurrectionist political prisoner’s response to our irreducible solidarity.

Down your limbs from our comrade!
Freedom now to all prisoners of war!

more info on war on society

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Letter from Luciano Tortuga to the Indomitable hearts – 7 months since the attack failed

from liberaciontotal, translated with endless love and respect for Tortuga by war on society:

Note from the group of friends and lovers of Tortuga:

Publishing this letter, at this time, could mean hellish punishment for our cub, but the urgency to report from his wild sweetness what he feels and what motivate him is sufficient reason to understand his desires.

Let us appropriate his writings to ourselves. Let us recreate, like so many times, complicity with the persecuted and the incarcerated inside and outside of the damn prisons!!

Let us understand ourselves by simply looking at ourselves and recognizing ourselves: We are anarchists, insurgents, informals, nihilists, enemies of all authority. Of all fucking authority.

Because we do not have time to rest while they prevent us from feeling ourselves free.

* * *

January 1, 2012 Santiago $hile.

7 months since the attack failed
Letter to the Indomitable hearts

It is difficult to begin to write when I know that I have so much to communicate and even more to keep quiet; silence has become a great companion, and not in vain, since my enemies want me to communicate, to explain myself with my ideas, to justify my illegal action, so that they can to apply the anti-terrorist law and bury me even in the condition in which I find myself, they want that trophy of war, a youth with many wounds, imprisoned for not having tricked himself with the comfort of a revolution framed within political correctness. Power’s ambition with my trial is for the señora of the house to tell her little rebel that this is how idealists meet their end, those who dare to dream, to even think, that it begins with the rebellion proper to youth and if it goes unchecked it can end in terrifying consequences–to justify by means of my example the prison system, the repression for the “good of our children and the future.”

I know that power wants that, or at the least hopes for it, that in one way or another I will appear publicly, thus I preferred silence; I think that in these moments it is much better that others speak for me–my comrades, known or unknown, just like in endless events for animal liberation, one knows to speak for those who cannot, I believe that now the same should happen, because I sincerely think that other comrades, even from different parts of the world have already done this and have had splendid results, not only with everything that involves my morale, but also with everything that involves solidarity, which I would dare to represent as the first piece of a great row of dominoes, in which one pushes the first and the second pushes the third and so on successively, where my morale comes to be one more piece in the dominoes, in which there is also damage to the system in breaking with its authoritarian logic, the esteem that the action generates as much on the individual level as collectively, as well as representing another seat in the conflict with reality, and one could spend days like this numbering the different effects that a solidarity action can have.

Nevertheless, as much as my enemies want me to communicate, I know that many comrades also wanted me to, and you should know that I know this and I’m sorry you had to spend several months of uncertainty to receive any news, I profoundly regret not communicating myself in these circumstances, it was I who always stressed that solidarity should be reciprocal, and believe me that more than anyone I regretted not having acted sooner, I felt that I was betraying myself in being silent. “Does it make him uncomfortable that we act in solidarity with him?” I speculated that you thought this in interpreting my silence, but I have a small and beautiful daughter who needs her papá, and I cannot betray her either. She moved me to silence, my ideals move me to dialogue and you my forever comrades incite me to the point in between.

I do not like to write without thinking what I want to convey and to be fully understood, to write something in my situation merits a profound reflection–is it worth it? Since in my case, unlike the majority of political trials which are usually frame-ups, in my case it is proven, since I really did transport a bomb the morning of June 1st with the destination of the bank branch located on Av. Vicuña Mackenna and Victoria, downtown Santiago.

For my part, I wanted to tell everyone why the attack failed. How could I try to communicate myself and ignore something so relevant? Or even, Why that bank? To politicize an anti-capitalist attack is not only to advocate for the violence, it is also to put the noose around my neck, and as for that, Never!, because as long as I am alive I plan to continue fighting, it doesn’t matter to me if I’m short some fingers, a hand, my hearing or sight, I will continue forward at all costs, that is something that my enemies have to know as much as my comrades.

Then you ask me to break with the isolation, with the hermitism around me; I posit that I would be ashamed to communicate myself, to do so simply, to which you respond with a blow to my conscience, “And your comrades?” Do I think that communicating with you is something banal and unimportant? It’s true, I don’t need to vomit out everything that happened that night, I believe that in the future there will be time for that…

So, you want to know about me? Well, I will fight in order to live, and live in order to fight until being free and wild, I do not trick myself in thinking that I am less wild if I breathe artificially or not, because I believe that it is in situations like that when the most wild human instinct blossoms–the instinct of survival; I’m not trying to allude to anyone in particular, because I know that many comrades desire my death with all the best, but I want to from here deliver a lesson for everyone–one cannot desire the death of a comrade to free them from their body, unless of course the comrade manifests it, but if that were the case, the person would seek the means to put an end to their life, without thus generating a judicial case (homicide) for a third party. Because what would happen if to “do me a favor” they had killed me? Who are they who call themselves my comrades to judge whether or not it’s worth the pain for me to keep living? The only one capable of taking such a decision is the individual, only he knows what he really desires, and in particular I want to keep living, in order to continue fighting.

On other other hand, I want you to know that I appreciate all and every one of the solidarity actions that you have done with me, the banners hung in different parts of the world or those messages that carry the same solidarios reach my ears in one way or another, each leaflet, each counter-information bulletin, each space of your lives that you dedicated to me I keep as a treasure, know that I have been aware of everything, that in this world there are not words for my feelings of gratitude, because each bombing, each arson organized in my name is in my mind, I can never forget the valiance of my Mexican comrades, the insubordinates who have made themselves my comrades in Greece, I wish to embrace the savages of Bolivia and the US, affectionately saluting the rebels of Spain and Italy, the libertarixs of Argentina–take heart!, not to mention the iconoclasts of Indonesia–strength, comrades! To the anonymous of the ALF and ELF in Russia and in the world. To the imprisoned comrades across the world, I send all my care in these humble letters, to the comrade Tamara, prisoner in Mexico, to Gabriel Pombo Da Silva, prisoner in Spain, to Marco Camenisch, prisoner in Switzerland, to the always dignified comrades of the Cells of Fire, how I envy your courage, and of course to my comrades of the territory dominated by the state of $hile, to you who I knew in person know that I carry you in my heart everywhere I go, I have never been separated from you because I carry you in my smile; I know that in a letter I could never thank everyone and each one of the actions I hope that it is understood that I do not intend to exclude any one, the forms in which you have been in solidarity with me are many and as diverse as the same struggle, from illegal actions to activities to telephone calls, internet messages, and libertarian songs; finally I want you to know, each and every one of you solidarious rebels that this loco for freedom will Never, never forget you, you were known to be as great as skyscrapers and to strike where it hurts, and above all, you made the stars shine with your courage, and that is something worth imitating.

I would like you to know what the solidarity created for me in those days when nothing made sense, when learning to remake my life did not make a bit of sense, because you know I was doing poorly, what happened to me I would wish on very few people because it was horrible–and in the greatest darkness there appeared small gestures that pushed me to not give up. How could I betray those who risk their lives to give me encouragement? And I learned to conquer life anew; I know that you will never know how important you have been. Now I find myself as strong as ever; prison, far from intimidating me, has made me as strong as in those days; life is paradoxical, because I always said that to have comrades in prison should never motivate one to fear, entirely the opposite it should be the reason for the wick in the bottle of gasoline, for the fuse in the explosive or incendiary charge, for the smile in the insurgent hearts after each day of attack, this I believed before and I still believe it, and now I am the one who finds himself a prisoner, so if my enemies do not succeed in intimidating me when I find myself in their clutches I see it will be difficult for them to do so with my comrades.

I plan to confront the prison in the same way that I confront society–with dignity and happiness, never in a submissive way, to, as has been said before, make the prison combative. I tell you that I am in the hospital section of the Santiago 1 prison, here there is a regime similar to that of the maximum security module of the high security prison, but without a yard, without radio, without TV, with one weekly visit of at most 2 people and with the risk of catching the illnesses of other prisoners; the room is shared and is larger than a cell, around here they call it the crazy prison, because to spend much time here is enough to drive you crazy, although I am of the opinion that what does not kill you makes you stronger, also as they say around here, “we crazy ones are those who have the most beautiful dreams.” I tell you that I do a lot of exercise to recuperate the musculature I lost, I sing a lot, especially the songs that nobody likes, I write letters to my little baby girl every week, sometimes when I have a roommate I play chess or we talk, generally the prisons have much care for me and help me a lot. I rigorously follow my rehabilitation treatment and I try to give myself encouragement when information from the outside is scarce; also I have proposed many projects to myself, I am already working on some, others are for when I have completed my sentence.

I think that a rebel becomes a warrior when one is able to get back up stronger than one fell, who is able to see a reality even though one has everything to lose, a warrior does not necessarily have to know how to make a bomb or handle one, nor to have techniques of camouflage, these are things one learns by addition, warriors are dangerous for their ideas and principles because they see all the way to the final consequences, always firm, steadfast, because they do not betray themselves nor their comrades, because they are always aware, because they don’t let themselves be carried by fuck-ups or rumor, because if they have problems they confront them, if they feel pain they cry, and if they are happy they laugh; because they know to live out a full life, though it will not therefore be peaceful–those are the true warriors; now in this war there are many joyful occasions, but there are also moments of bitterness, because it is a war, not a juvenile phase, and to confront the system of domination utilizing these conclusions can carry disastrous consequences and we should know that beforehand, because an error, a small carelessness changes everything, I always say this and this I had understood, therefore I acted according to the terms that I used. Regarding my wounds, they have all healed, unfortunately the marks will always remain but I carry them with the same pride as my tattoos, because they are the best evidence that I am convinced in my ideals–how could I not be? I carried that bomb with dreams and hopes and those remain intact.

On the other hand, I regret being unable to keep carrying on in the projects that I participated in, understanding that for me there was none that was more valuable than another, each and every one means a contribution to the social war and I yearn that those projects do not go adrift because I am not around, on the contrary I should be another motivation to continue forward, I know that I am not absolved of criticism, because if I formed part of those dreams I should have acted not at 100% of caution, but at 150%.

I am sure that my example will close one more chapter and that the new and not-so-new combatants will know to rescue the positive from all this, because the struggle continues and there are too many hearts that do not fit in this authoritarian world and want to open a path, because we did it in the past we know how to do so in the present, personally I make a good balance of the anti-authoritarian struggles in the world, one or another diminishes but generally the prognosis looks good.

But as much as the struggle advances, the repression will too, and my case will be utilized to reopen the pathetic bombs case frame-up, therefore I make the suggestion to be alert, never to inaction but rather to caution, because my self-criticism can be applied by all, the idea is to share it, nor do I say this as certain science, it is speculation, perhaps they do not intend more frame-ups for fear of looking ridiculous again, or maybe they’ll flush down the toilet everything in which which my deed is accredited, so the call is to be well awake, with all 5 senses in the street.

To end I want to dedicate some final lines to that person who traveled with me in the early hours of June 1st. Hermanitx,* I know that my accident must have marked you, perhaps you spend nights without sleeping, in the uncertainty of daily life, “Will they find out it was me? Will they notice me? Will I wake up tomorrow or will I have died in my sleep? Will I be betrayed?” I remember that once I told you that despite the deep hatred I feel toward the wretch who stabbed his compañera, I also believed to understand it one should be in a similar situation, to see if we are as strong as we say, because I have always believed that betrayal is an internal enemy. Now I can tell you with certainty that that little guy has no balls! I also remember that before going out to the street that night I told you that I was going without my Kabbalah, a totally meaningless thing, something that I felt gave me luck, you told me that I was crazy for believing in such things, luckily I brought my other amulet, I am still alive and now we can laugh about that nonsense. Hermanx, I want you to know that although I could never imagine the horrible things that have played with your mind or your heart, I continue to be the same little turtle who smells like feet and sleeps on the floor and I am never going to have to reproach you for anything, because that night it was my turn, just like in past times it had been your turn, if something happens the second person flees, so we had agreed and so it had to be, because although you might many times feel like a traitor, you are not, in this war that we decided to take on there are no words to understand us. I may never see you again, if so, good luck in everything that comes.

I said it once and now I say it again with pride: Never defeated, never repentant! From here I send a warm embrace to the people who walk in clandestinity.

With Mauri present in memory!

Prisoners at war to the street!

Against all authority!

Walking toward the creative nothing!

Luciano Pitronello Sch.
Insurrectionalist Political Prisoner.

* Little brother / little sister – transl.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Active Solidarity with Luciano Pitronello, Tortuga – September 22 (Chile)

Sept, 20, 2011 325 Magazine

For the spreading of action

Anarchist and anti-authoritarian dissidence has grown explosively in Chile
since 2004. In the streets, neighbourhoods and universities a presence has
increased without a doubt, showing the rejection of authority, State and

In this context many diverse groups have decided to pass to the offensive
illegal struggle against the State.

In this optic they have attacked various bank agencies, police stations,
churches and amusement centres of the bourgeoisie and the rich with
explosive devices.

Each one of the attacks is claimed in political communiques with names of
dead fighters we want to remember. They are carefully planned not to hurt
or damage anybody, only the structures chosen to be attacked.

This fact is not insignificant, because there is evidence of a precise
recognition of what is the enemy, and where it hides itself, not confusing
it with anyone. This demonstrates in the long term, a projectuality of
struggle and not the simple desire to appear, as happens with militarists
drifts, the adrenalin fetish, or ego-driven action.

So, the attacks follow one another, increasing in boldness and complexity
over the years. Power is tricked from the very interior of the panoptical
city, which is why it is made to feel the hysterical rage sweating out
from the ministerial palaces. So the hunt begins, the judicial but also
media persecution unfolds. Known anarchists, ex- political prisoners and
those who have transformed practical vindicated solidarity into a
continuous way of life, are threatened and persecuted by pro-government
and official means.

After years of investigations, interception of telephone calls, pursuits,
shootings and search points, the diverse police organisms are incapable of
finding the people responsible for the attacks.

But one freezing dawn of the month of May was to make the police lighten
their step. The 22 of May of 2009, anarchist comrade Mauricio Morales (27
years) is killed. The explosive charge that he was carrying blows up in
his hands, killing him in the act.

He was on his way to the gendarmerie school, an institution that has links
with the jails of the whole country, directly responsible for the
confinement of hundreds of thousands of prisoners.

Following the death of the comrade Mauri the police immediately dart
towards his surroundings and circle of comrades. So, the anti-cultural
spaces that Mauri visited are pointed at and attacked, the same day and
over the following months.
Houses searched, comrades kidnapped, okupas (squats) are evicted and the
circles are narrowed. Beyond the accuracy or falsity of the conjectures of
power, what is certain is that those with relations of affection and
comradeship will be struck and harassed.

Anybody that has shared something with the comrade Mauri and who does not
accept remaining in silence as a form of memory, will be immediately swell
the list of suspects.

In spite of the adverse context, there are still clenched fists, comrades
that do not shut up, that are still not resigned… there are those who
smile with each overflowing act of rebelliousness. The pain is terrible,
but many attacks change the pain into rage. The permanent scar will remind
them every day of the loss of the comrade.

The attacks follow and the look of shame on the powerful takes a walk
exasperated, because direct action even arrives two blocks away from the
president’s home. The anarchists are laughing and they are laughing

Power will take revenge for its incapacity to discover those responsible
for the actions, attacking 14 comrades, prisoners, under the gross and
fictitious accusation of forming an illicit terrorist association. This
group would be responsible for at least 30 of the attacks produced in the
capital city.

The investigations, denominated by the press the “Bombs case”, forcibly
and capriciously regroups 14 people who did not know each other, that have
no links in some cases, even politically.

The charges that weigh on the comrades are a gross and ignorant blow,
because historically anarchists have never have regrouped around a leader
or cupola. The illicit association, as a concept , attacks the basis of
anarchist horizontal organization, the only real thing about the
application of this charge and concept is the increasing of possible
Power is smiling through the press, because revenge has been unleashed on
a diffuse area that questions the very existence of authority. It’s
raining insults and the fear is spreading, making many retreat and stay in
silence and remaining silent as their only answer.

In spite of that, not everything is silenced, there still exist those who
use all the instruments possible to fight against power.

Sadly, on June 1, of 2011, a terrible accident stains a new date in the
calendar with blood. That cold dawn comrade Luciano Pitronello, Turtle,
(22 years) takes the terrible blast of the shockwave of a homemade bomb
placed in a bank. The comrade Turtle advances wounded and in shock, while
the security cameras record those crucial minutes. The fire devours his
clothes while his steps are disoriented by the pain.

The press arrives at the spot almost immediately. Like the good
mercenaries that they are, they point their cameras with morbid intention
to hurt the feelings of Turtle and his dear ones.

This is the way that the comrade is filmed : wounded and naked, covered in
gunpowder and screaming in pain. These images will be repeated
continuously as the best advertisement of the misery that represents
capital and its culture of arrogance.

“A comrade is wounded and in the hands of the police, that is reason
enough to support and show solidarity”….

Turtle is transferred to a hospital, where his right hand and three
fingers of the left one are amputated from him. His eyes are seriously
damaged and he is only able to distinguish indistinct forms. His hearing
has also been damaged, and he has had dozens of skingrafts of his own

He is badly wounded and his condition is serious. Even so, he manages to
go forward, to push his body in spite of facing a very complex situation,
as much in terms of health as in the moral and judicial consequences.

Almost 4 months after Turtle’s accident, the comrade left the clinic where
he was being held, and transferred to the home of his mother, where he
remains under police and family monitoring.

Sadly, in all these months, not only has his nuclear family collaborated
with the police organisms giving the names of Turtle’s circle of friends,
but they have also publicly discredited the ideas and way of life of our
comrade Turtle.
This lamentable fact reminds us of other experiences, where even brothers
or couples decided to collaborate with the police, due to fear or for
economic reward.

Very different from the combative and supportive attitude that other
parents and families who have come out into the streets for many years,
demanding the freedom of their dear ones or rescuing their names from
Respect for the ideas and decisions of their sons and daughters is
essential for those who do not become collaborators of their relatives’s

Turtle’s partner, with whom he has a 3 year old daughter, has been
supportive of the comrade, but also has been the target of the revenge of
the press and of justice. Her home has being raided and her personal life
has been put on display as a way to break her morale.

Face to face with the enemy

This September 22, the comrade Turtle will have to face the formalization
of charges in front of the Chilean judges. That day Capital, the Chilean
State and its powers, will wreak revenge on the comrade. Revenge that has
been meticulously orchestrated and prepared, for every detail strikes him

Comrade Luciano, still convalescing from his wounds and wearing a special
suit for burns, will have to appear before a crowded room not only of
judges, lawyers and gendarmes, but also of mercenary journalists. Who will
no doubt photograph each of his wounds and film any difficulty the comrade
has in moving.

Therefore the revenge that he will receive is composed of two factors, one
entirely judicial, because the comrade will face a court who represents
the bourgeois and democratic social order. A court that will not hesitate
a second in sentencing him to one long sentence in some modern
extermination centre. With this, looking to give a clear signal to all
those who decide to go beyond the submissive citizen routine and the peace
of cemeteries imposed by normality.
But a second aspect, no less important, of the revenge orchestrated by
Power against Luciano, has to do with the level of media exhibition.

The morbid spectacle that they will erect in that room of the court, has
the aim of destroying the comrade, to make him collapse politically and
psychically, to attack his moral and annihilate it. As also to strike
those close to him and who are like him and support with him.

Power yearns to turn the life of our comrade Turtle into the example of
punishment, to instill fear and stagnation into all the dissident sectors
of the democratic theatre.

By punishing Turtle, they will try to punish all those who refuse to
swallow the story of the social pact; there are already groups,
anarchists, who are taking upon themselves an open offensive against
capital state/, with its symbols and organizational forms, like also all
the groups and individual students that in insurrectional ways are taking
to the streets and leaving in them the sweat and the blood, after long
days of confrontations with the police.

All of the context lived recently on that piece of land named Chile,
constitutes one more of the scenarios of the social war like in various
parts of the “globe”.

The overflowing of the “citizen protests ” of the uncontrollables, once
again surpasses with deeds and words the desired social control and sense
of normality that is installed through mass means.

It is in this same path of struggle and action, of persistence and
courage, that Turtle took words and dreams, turning them into arms,
attacking in spite of the possible consequences that we all know.

The State/Capital through its legal/mediatic/policial institutions is
trying to establish its authority unquestioned. Public defamation,
repression, jail and bullets will be some of the varied weapons that they
will use with in the object of breaking the will and the actions of the
irreducible ones that do not look for dialogue, because they are consumed
in war against all authority.

In that sense fear, paralysis, passivity or silence concerning the
situation that faces Luciano means to hand oneself over to the enemy. Our
resignation against what happens with the comrade will give a victory to
power and its control mechanisms.

The role of the journalists/police in the conflict.

The State, shamed by the lack of concrete results to give the people
charged with the explosive attacks, is elaborating ridiculous theories,
that they are trying to sustain with police stupidity, mass media and
massive indifference.
Lamentably, Turtle’s accident grants them the perfect occasion to create
an immense apparatus in the style of the old Roman circus to apply its

In this process of public lynching not only police and judges have become
jumbled, but the great mass media, who play a fundamental roll.
Contributors, accomplices, collaborators and central place in the power

Not only do they work openly with the police, in addition they do not
scrimp in efforts to publicly and morbidly exhibit the bodies of the
comrades in the prisoners’ dock, exhibit their wounds or their dead

They exhibited our brother Mauri, showing his dead body, causing deep pain
to his dear ones and comrades. They invented a supposed interview to false
comrades of Mauri, eager only to discredit him and systematically attacked
his surroundings of affection and commitment. They validated with infamous
news articles, all the repressive game of the bomb case.

The insult that we have received from the journalists cannot be forgotten,
it cannot be standardized and ingenuously believed that they are just the
excesses of precise people. They have attacked, they have harmed our
dignity and the privacy of our brothers and that humiliation must be
returned, blow by blow, until they back down.

It is the work of the press, more and more committed in the direct fight
against those who take up the offensive, that has generated gross
stereotypes of those who fight. Their news articles instill paranoia and
demonisation, generating concepts like “ vandals ”, “ soulless ” and “
violent ”, to mention a few.

In these days they give a prize to the good citizen, decree the minute of
fame, for the stupid idiot ones that collaborate with the control
organisms, or assume reactionary positions as informers in the student

But the footmen journalists have not stopped there, they took a further
step in persecuting, coarsely denouncing and defamating the comrades in
incredible ways. They have arrived at the point from which journalists
like Max Frick and F.A.V.P. appear as protected witnesses in the Bomb

Their testimonies, plagued with lies and personal revenge, are trying to
condemn the comrades in one of the most media orchestrated cases of recent
times. For their declarations these two idiots receive protection and
money from the State… their lives get fat and comfortable, while our
brothers undergo confinement.

Our answer: solidarity

It is against these facts and against the police attack, that we must make
clear that revolutionary solidarity, internationalism and active memory
are substantial and indissoluble elements in all the process of struggle.
To the comrades who are in the front firing line receiving the blows of
the power, we, from this small written gesture, shout with all our lungs:
solidarity, memory and action!!!

All those directly facing Capitalism are our brothers, and we shout tears
for those no longer physically with us. We have not forgotten them, we are
all with you and in all the possible ways, always present, eternally

This is the moment in which the slogan “nobody is alone in the social
war”, must acquire a special practical meaning. It depends on us,
certainly, and on our real will to realise the common effort of

All actions are extremely valuable and urgent: letters, pamphlets,
discussion, agitation, bombs and fire, are feeding the indomitable spirit
of our comrades.

For that reason the call is to organize solidarity this September 22. We
must make our brother and comrade feel by means of all type of gestures,
that the fighters of all parts of the globe are sharing this hard trial
with him. Because the fight for freedom is one, inside and outside.
Forgetfulness and silence… are characteristic only of traitors.

Debate, spread, attack, not one step back in front of the enemy.

Fire and more fire for Capitalism, their defenders and their false critics.

A fraternal greeting and total support to comrade Luciano at this
difficult moment and those that may come.
Rebel spirits: they are not satisfied with being affected by what happens
to Luciano… from words to acts, the actions will make us brothers, no
matters how dark the night appears.

Active solidarity, with the comrades in Chile, Greece, Switzerland,
Mexico, the USA and all the accomplices of the revolt in each corner of
the world.

Freedom to all political prisoners! Fire to the jail, flight to the rebels!

To the streets for the young people assassinated during the student
protests: Manuel Gutierrez and Mario Parraguéz, we do not want bourgeois
justice, we look for revolutionary execution …..

In memory of our dear comrade Claudia Lopez, young anarchist assassinated
by the police on September 11, 1998 in area of La Pincoya.

Black September of 2011.