Showing posts with label Sekou Odinga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sekou Odinga. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Sekou Odinga in Keep Lock

From dequi kioni-sadiki:

Here is the situation with Sekou:

Some time during the week preceding March 10th, Sekou was called down
to medical. He was down there for a while waiting, while several
brothers came in after him and were seen before him.

He approached the booth to ask the c.o. why he was there, and the
officers yelled for him to get away from the window. Sekou simply
replied, i have a right to know why i am here; i may not want to
stay. The c.o. repeated his demand that Sekou get away from the
window, when the 2nd officer, who was in the booth, answered Sekou's
question, letting him know he was there for vision.

Sekou returned to his seat ... The hostile officer was visibly
perturbed that the other officer saw the ridiculousness of the
exchange, and answered Sekou's simple question. the next day, Sekou
received a Tier 2 ticket for several charges; amongst them was
failure to obey a direct order.

This exchange took place in front of witnesses who testified on
Sekou's behalf. This pissed the officer off, but it resulted in all
the other charges being dismissed.

The hearing officer gave him the harshest penalty he could: 30 days
in keep lock, which he will complete on april 18th.

Write to Sekou and let him know he has our support!

Sekou Odinga #09A3775
Shawangunk Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 700
Wallkill, NY 12589