Sunday, January 07, 2007

Spirit of Freedom (January 2007)

Produced by

"I thank you all dearly for writing"
(Jon Ablewhite, Animal Rights Prisoner)

Welcome to the January 2007 edition of Spirit of Freedom. As some people
will be aware, last month, British Animal Rights prisoner, Don Currie, was
given a virtual life sentence called an "indefinite sentence" with a minimum
tariff of six-years. Below ELP attempts to explain how the sentence works.
We hope our report is accurate and it does represent ELP's understanding of
how this new sentence works. But we would like to point out that this type
of sentence is relatively new within the British legal system and therefore
no one is quite sure of its full implications yet. If anyone has any
questions or concerns about our report please contact ELP and we will try to
assist you however we can. Don's sentence is a shock and we ask that
everyone supports Don as best they can. Remember, no matter where you are
in the world, support the eco-prisoners and no compromise in defence of
Mother Earth!



On the 7th of December 2006 British Animal Rights prisoner, Donald Currie,
was given an Indefinite Prison Sentence with a minimum tariff of six years.
This is a new type of sentence, so here is ELP's explanation about how it

Traditionally in Britain people are given either Fixed Term sentences or
Life sentences. With a fixed term sentence anyone who is given a sentence
of more than four years is given an automatic Parole Hearing date at the
half way stage of their sentence.

For example, a prisoner who is serving 12-years, will automatically be
considered for parole after 6 years. At the parole hearing the Parole Board
will decide whether to release the prisoner or say they must to serve more
of their sentence before their release.

The Parole Board can keep rejecting a prisoners parole application up until
the point the prisoner has served two-thirds of their sentence; at this
point the prisoner must be released "on license" under the supervision of a
probation officer. So in the case of a prisoner sentenced to 12-years, it
means they will serve between 6-8 years inside.

With an Indefinite Prison Sentence the Judge decides what is an appropriate
sentence for the crime and then gives the prisoner a minimum tariff to
represent when they would receive their first parole hearing. At that first
parole hearing the Parole Board can either choose to release the prisoner or
return them to prison.

So in Don Currie's case the Judge obviously felt he should receive a 12-year
sentence and so gave Don a minimum tariff of six years.

However, the crucial point is that because Don has NOT been given a Fixed
Term sentence there is no two-thirds stage of his sentence. This means he
has no automatic release date.

If the Parole Board wishes to they can keep rejecting an Indefinite Sentence
prisoners Parole Applications for the rest of the prisoners life. This
means Don will serve a minimum 6 years inside, but if the Parole Board
wishes, he could end up serving 8, 12, 16, 26, 36, 46, etc., years in
prison. He may even die in prison without ever being released!

The jailing of Don to an Indefinite Prison Sentence is an outrage. Don has
not killed or physically injured anyone. He has destroyed the property of
animal abusers and if you believe the British mainstream media he was a very
dedicated ALF activist.

The use of an Indefinite Prison Sentence against an animal rights activist
is a highly political sentence and ELP hopes that Don's lawyers are
appealing against this political sentence.


In October 2000, the eco-group, Il Silvestre, organised two days of protest
in Florence, Italy, against GM crops.

On the first day of the protests almost 100 people demonstrated outside the
Agriculture University and at the premises of Menarini pharmaceutical. The
protesters handed out leaflets, blocked roads, sloganised walls and Menarini
pharmaceutical was paintbombed.

On the second day the protest grew to about 300 people in total. The
protesters planned to march through the city centre ending up outside the
DuPont building. However the riot police decided to prevent this march and
blocked the streets.

The protesters tried to negotiate with the police to be allowed to continue
in their lawful protest. The negotiations ended when the police baton
charging the demonstrators. The demonstrators defended themselves from the
police with their placards, as the police chased the protesters through the
city centre.

At the end of the day scores of protesters were injured and 26 people were
under arrest, six of whom were remanded into custody for a few days.

In March 2004 ELP reported that out of the original 26 arrested, 13 were on
trial with the prosecution asking for jail sentences of between 18 months
and 2 years.

The trial was meant to end in June 2004 but, as ELP reported at the time,
the trial had to be delayed as the Judge failed to appear in court!!!

Eventually, after a very prolonged case, 11 people were convicted of their
role in the case and given prison sentences. However none of those
sentences could start until after the defendants had had a chance to appeal
their sentences.

On the 4th of December 2006, the 11 defendants appeared before the Court of
Appeal, in Florence. Out of the 11, one was aquitted, 8 had their prison
sentences reduced to 8 months suspended sentences, whilst the remaining two
had their prison sentences reduced to one year each.

One of the defendants whose been sentenced to one-year imprisonment is
Costantino Ragusa, who is accused of being the organiser of the anti-GM

Constantino is already in prison, serving five years for his alleged role in
the COR actions. He was also, before his imprisonment, serving an 18-month
suspended sentence for burgling and firebombing a multi-national company.
Now he is imprisoned he must serve all his sentences consecutively,
therefore Constantino is now serving seven and a half years imprisonment.
In addition to the above, Constantino is also a defendant in the forthcoming
Il Silvestre Trial where ten Il Silvestre members are accused of using
explosives to destroy electricity pylons carrying nuclear power. ELP will
bring you further information on that trial as we receive it.

Concerning the second person sentenced to one-year imprisonment. ELP
understands they are currently under house arrest as they again appeal
against the jail term.


In mid-December 2006, the police informants Stanislas Meyerhoff and Chelsea
Gerlach pleaded guilty to their role in the 1998 ELF arson against the ski
resort at Vail, Colorado. The two both said they acted alongside William
'Bill' Rodgers, who they accredited as being the leading light behind the
arson. Two other people, Josephine Overtaker and Rebecca Rubin, whose
locations are currently unknown, have also been indicted on the Vail arson

Also in mid-December 06, Judge Ann Aiken, set the sentencing dates of all of
the defendants who have pleaded guilty in the Oregon Trial. The dates are
as follows:

Stanislas Meyerhoff (police informant) due to be sentenced on the 10th of
April 10 2007. Kevin Tubbs (police informant) due to be sentenced on the
17th of April 2007. Chelsea Gerlach (police informant) due to be sentenced
on the 18th of April. Darren Thurston (level of cooperation unknown) due to
be sentenced on the 19th of April. Suzanne Savoie (police informant) due to
be sentenced on the 20th of April. Kendall Tankersley (police informant)
due to be sentenced on the 20th April. Nathan Block (non-cooperating
defendant) due to be sentenced on the 25th of April. Joyanna Zacher
(non-cooperating defendant) due to be sentenced on the 25th of April.
Daniel McGowan (non-cooperating defendant) due to be sentenced on the 26th
of April. Jonathan Paul (non-cooperating defendant) due to be sentenced on
the 30th of April.

Despite the various guilty pleas in the Oregon case, ELP would like to
remind everyone that this case is not over. There are still at least three
defendants in this case who locations are unknown to the FBI.

Also, Briana Waters has formally pleaded not guilty to the University of
Washington fire and is scheduled for trial in May 2007. ELP will keep you
informed as to all the developments in Briana's trial.


Fadalla Idris Alajaimy (address unknown). Sudan anti-dam protester on
remand accused of Waging War against the State for protesting against the
construction of a dam.

Mohamed Ahmed Alajaimy (address unknown). Sudan anti-dam protester on
remand accused of Waging War against the State for protesting against the
construction of a dam.

Tre Arrow, CS# 05850722, Vancouver Island Regional Correction Center, 4216
Wilkinson Rd., Victoria, BC, V8Z 5B2, Canada. On remand accused of
involvement with an arson on logging trucks and an arson on vehicles owned
by a sand & gravel company. Both arsons occurred in the USA. Tre is
fighting his extradition to the USA.

Nathan Block, #1663667, Lane County Jail, 101 W 5th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401,
USA. On remand accused of involvement in an arson against a Poplar Tree
Farm and an arson against an SUV dealership. Also charged with involvement
in a conspiracy to carry out direct action in Oregon.

Federico Bonamici, Casa di Reclusione, ia Nuova Poggioreale 177, 80143
Napolo Poggioreale (NA), Italy. Il Silvestre member on remand accused of
using explosives to damage an electricity pylon. Also accused of planning
to overthrow the State.

Marco Camenisch, Postfach 3143, CH-8105 Regensdorf, Switzerland. Serving 27
years. 1) Ten years for using explosives to destroy electricity pylons
leading from nuclear power stations. 2) Seventeen years for the murder of a
Swiss Boarder Guard whilst on the run. In '02 Marco completed a 12-year
sentence in Italy for destroying electricity pylons in Italy.

Ibai Ederra, Carcel de Pamplona, C/San Roque. Apdo. 250, 31080 - Iruñez -
Pamplona, Navarra (España), Spain. Serving just under 5 years for
sabotaging machinery at the controversial Itoiz dam construction site.

Rodney Coronado #03895-000, FCI Tucson, 8901 South Wilmot Rd, Tucson, AZ
85705, USA. Serving 8 months for his role in an Earth First! hunt sabotage
against a mountain lion hunt. Rod is also facing additional charges
relating to a speech he made at an animal rights gathering in 2003.

William Frediani (currently under house arrest). Il Silvestre activist
sentenced to 6 years imprisonment for promoting & participating in COR
direct action.

Benedetta Galante, Casa Circondariale, Contrada Capo di Monte, 82100 -
Benevento (BN), Italy. Il Silvestre activist sentenced to 3 years 6 months
for promoting & participating in COR direct action. Also awaiting trial
accused of using explosives to damage an electricity pylon in protest at
nuclear energy.

Francesco Gioia, Via Maiano, 10, 06049 Spoleto, Italy. Il Silvestre
activist sentenced to 5 years 2 months for promoting & participating in COR
direct action. Also awaiting trial for escaping from house arrest.

Silvia Guerini, Carcere "La Dozza", Via Del Gomito 2, 40127 Bologna, Italy.
Il Silvestre member on remand accused of using explosives to damage an
electricity pylon.

Leonardo Landi (currently under house arrest). Il Silvestre activist
sentenced to 3 years 6 months imprisonment for promoting & participating in
COR direct action.

Jeffrey Luers, #13797671, OSP, 2605 State St. Salem, OR 97310, USA. Serving
22 years & 8 months for arson on a SUV dealership & the attempted arson of
an oil truck.

Ali Mohamed Alhassen Massad (address unknown). Sudan anti-dam protester on
remand accused of Waging War against the State for protesting against the
construction of a dam.

Eric McDavid X-2972521 4E 231A, Sacramento County Main Jail, 651 "I" Street,
Sacramento, CA 95814, USA. On Remand accused of planning to destroy the
property of the U.S. Forestry Service, mobile phone masts and power plants.

Christopher McIntosh 30512-013, USP Hazelton, US Penitentiary, PO Box 2000,
Bruceton Mills, WV 26525, USA. Serving 8 years for a joint ELF/ALF arson
attack on a McDonalds restaurant.

Alessio Perondi (currently under house arrest). Il Silvestre activist
sentenced to 3 years 8 months imprisonment for promoting & participating in
COR direct action.

Costantino Ragusa, Casa Circondariale, Via Prati Nuovi 7, 27058 Voghera
(PV), Italy. Il Silvestre activist serving 7½ years. 1) Five years for
promoting & participating in COR direct action. 2) 18-months for burgling
and firebombing a multinational company. 3) 12-months for organising an
anti-GM protest. Costanino is also awaiting trial accused of using
explosives to damage an electricity pylon in protest at nuclear energy.

John Wade #38548-083, FCI Petersburg Low, Satellite Camp, PO Box 90027,
Petersburg, VA 23804, USA. Serving 37 months for a series of ELF actions
against a number of targets including McDonalds & Burger King; urban sprawl;
the construction industry; and an SUV dealership.

Joyanna Zacher #1662550, Lane County Jail, 101 W 5th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401,
USA. On remand accused of involvement in an arson against a Poplar Tree
Farm and an SUV dealership. Also charged with involvement in a conspiracy
to carry out direct action in Oregon.


Jon Ablewhite TB4885, HMP Lowdham Grange, Lowdham, Nottingham, NG14 7DA,
England. Serving 12 years for attempting to blackmail a farmer who supplied
guinea pigs for vivisection.

Dave Blenkinsop EM7899, HMP Rye Hill, Onley, Warwickshire, CV23 8AN,
England. Serving 10 years. 1) Three years for a stave attack on the
Managing Director of HLS. 2) 18 months for rescuing 600 guinea pigs from a
lab supplier. 3) 5½ years for planting incendiary devices under an
abattoirs vehicles.

Madeline Buckler PR7492, HMP Morton Hall, Swinderby, Lincoln, LN6 9PT,
England. Serving 2 years for sending hate mail to a family who supplied
guinea pigs for vivisection.

Jacob Conroy #93501-011, FCI Victorville Medium I Federal Correctional
Institution, P.O. Box 5300, Adelanto, CA 92301, USA. Serving 48 months
imprisonment for helping organise the SHAC-USA campaign.

Rodney Coronado. Serving 8 months for his role in an Earth First! hunt
sabotage against a mountain lion hunt. See his details in the Eco-Defence
Prisoners list.

Donald Currie TN4593, HMP Whitemoor, Longhill Road, March, Cambs, PE15 OPR,
England. Serving an Indeterminate Sentence, of not less than six actual
years, for carrying out arsons against targets associated the vivisection
industry including HLS.

Josh Demmitt 12314-081, FCI Safford, Federal Correctional Institution, P.O.
Box 9000, Safford, AZ 85548, USA. Serving 30 months for an ALF arson on a
University animal testing facility.

Darius Fullmer #26397-050, FCI Fort Dix Satellite Camp, P.O. Box 1000, Fort
Dix, NJ 08640 USA. Serving 12 months for helping organise the SHAC-USA

Garfield Marcus Gabbard TB 4271, HMP Moorland (Closed), Bawtry Road,
Hatfield Woodhouse, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN7 6BW, England. Serving
36 months for Affray during an animal rights demo where he jumped onto a car
and kicked a security guard who pulled him off the car.

Lauren Gazzola #93497-011, FCI Danbury Route #37, 33 1/2 Pembroke Road,
Danbury, CT 06811 USA. Serving 54 months imprisonment for helping organise
the SHAC-USA campaign.

Sarah Gisborne, LT5393, HMP Cookham Wood, Rochester, Kent, ME1 3LU, England.
Serving 5½ years for conspiracy to cause criminal damage following the
damaging of 8 vehicles owned by people linked to Huntingdon Life Science.

Joshua Harper #29429-086, FCI Sheridan Federal Correctional Institution,
P.O. Box 5000, Sheridan, OR 97378 USA. Serving 36 months imprisonment for
helping organise the SHAC-USA campaign.

Joseph Harris, TN5728, HMP Lewes, Brighton Road, East Sussex, BN7 1EA,
England. Serving 2 years for damaging the property of people associated
with Huntingdon Life Sciences. (His sentenced was reduced on appeal).

Kevin Kjonaas #93502-011, FCI Sandstone, PO Box 1000, Sandstone, MN 55072
USA. Serving 72 months imprisonment for helping organise the SHAC-USA

Chris McIntosh. Serving 8 years for a joint ALF/ELF arson on a McDonalds.
See his details in the Eco-Defence Prisoners list.

Josephine Mayo PR6508, HMP Drake Hall, Eccleshall, Staffordshire, ST21 6LQ,
England. Serving 4 years for attempting to blackmail a farmer who supplied
guinea pigs for vivisection.

John Smith TB4887, HMP Lowdham Grange, Lowdham, Nottingham, NG14 7DA,
England. Serving 12 years for attempting to blackmail a farmer who supplied
guinea pigs for vivisection.

Andrew Stepanian #26399-050, FCI Butner Medium II Federal Correctional
Institution, PO Box 1500, Butner, NC 27509 USA. Serving 36 months for
helping organise the SHAC-USA campaign.

Kerry Whitburn TB4886, HMP Lowdham Grange, Lowdham, Nottingham, NG14 7DA,
England. Serving 12 years for attempting to blackmail a farmer who supplied
guinea pigs for vivisection.

Peter Daniel Young, #10269-111, FCI Vitorvill Medium II, Federal
Correctional Institution, PO Box 5700, Adelanto, CA 92301, USA. Serving
two years for releasing mink and foxes from six different fur farms. Also
awaiting trial for his alleged involvement in a raid on a fur farm in South


Helen Woodson, 03231-045, FMC Carswell - Admin. Max. Unit, POB 27137, Ft.
Worth, TX 76127, USA. Serving 8 years 10 months for actions that focused
on the interrelationship of war & the destruction of the natural world. The
actions included pouring red paint over the security desk of a federal court
and making threatening communications. Previously Helen had served 20½
years for: 1) Using a hammer to disarm a nuclear missile silo. 2) Burning
$25,000 on the floor of a bank whilst denouncing war, environmental
destruction & economic injustice. 3) Mailing warning letters with bullets
attached to Government & corporate officials.


Brendan Walsh, 12473-052, FCI Allenwood Low, PO Box 1000, White Deer, PA
17887, USA. Serving 5 years for an arson on an army recruitment office in
protest at the War on Iraq.

The Lecce Five have been charged with "subversive association" accused of
damaging Esso petrol pumps to oppose the War on Iraq; sabotaging the cash
machines of a bank which funds an immigration centre; and targeting the
multinational company Benetton in support of Mapuche land rights activists
in Chile. All of the defendants are currently either under house arrest or
released on bail.


Lasandra Burwell W063658, Ohio Reformatory for Women, 1479 Collins Ave.
Marysville, OH 43040, USA. Serving 5 years for taking part in an
anti-fascist demonstration which turned into a riot.

Tomasz Wiloszewski, Zaklad Karny, Orzechowa 5, 98-200 Sieradz, Poland.
Serving 15 years for accidentally killing a neo-nazi whilst defending

Around the world there have been several massive protests against global
capitalism and its environmental impact. The following have all been jailed
in connection with the protests.

Jonathan Philip Robert, Crisp County Detention Center, 197 Ga. Hwy. 300
South, Cordele, GA 31015, USA (12 months)


Ted Kaczynski (04475-046), US Pen - admin Max Facility, PO Box 8500,
Florence Colorado 81226, USA. Serving multiple life sentences for the
infamous 'Unabomber' anti-technology bombing & murder campaign.

Olga Aleksandrovna Nevskaya, UU163/5, 7 Otryad, pos. Dzerzhinskiy, Mozhaysk
140090 Moskovskaya oblast, Russia. Eco-activist serving 6 years for arson,
criminal damage and causing explosions in protest at the war in Chechnya.
Due for release in 2009.

Fran Thompson, #1090915 HU 1C, WERDCC, PO Box 300, Vandalia, MO 63382, USA.
Serving Life for killing, in self-defence, a stalker who had broken into her
home. Before her imprisonment Fran was an eco, animal & anti-nuke

MOVE is an eco-revolutionary group who carried out protests in defence of
all life. There are currently eight MOVE activists in prison each serving
100 years after been framed for the murder of a cop in 1979. 9th defendant,
Merle Africa, died in prison in 1998.

Debbie Simms Africa (006307), Janet Holloway Africa (006308) and Janine
Philips Africa (006309) all at: SCI Cambridge Springs, 451 Fullerton Ave,
Cambridge Springs, PA 16403-1238, USA.

Michael Davis Africa (AM4973) and Charles Simms Africa (AM4975) both at SCI
Grateford, PO Box 244, Grateford, PA 19426-0244, USA.

Edward Goodman Africa (AM4974), 301 Morea Rd, Frackville, PA 17932, USA.

William Philips Africa (AM4984) and Delbert Orr Africa (AM4985) both at SCI
Dallas Drawer K, Dallas, PA 18612, USA.

Mumia Abu Jamal, (AM8335), SCI Greene, 175 Progress Drive, Waynesburg PA
15370, USA. In 1981 Mumia, former Black Panther and vocal supporter of
MOVE, was framed for the murder of a cop. He was originally sentenced to
death but is currently awaiting re-sentencing following a court hearing in

Due to space limitation we cannot publish the names & addresses of the
Mapuche & Land Rights prisoners in this edition of Spirit of Freedom,
however if you would like a list please contact Spirit of Freedom.

Some people listed in this newsletter have carried out violent actions.
'Spirit of Freedom' does not condone violence. But we are also against
censorship & believe people can decide for themselves who they wish to

ELP is an international eco-prisoner support network founded, in Britain, in
1993 to support jailed eco-activists. We support the prisoners by producing
various regular prisoner lists:

Spirit of Freedom is ELP's international bimonthly publication (available
via e-mail or in a paper version). If you would like to receive a copy
contact Spirit of Freedom, BM Box 2407, London, WC1N 3XX, England. Or

Urgent ELP! Bulletin is an e-mail service that distributes the names of any
new eco-prisoner as soon as ELP gets their details. For more info e-mail

On-Line Newsletters - ELP has a number of websites that provide news,
prisoner lists and additional info about ELP & the prisoners.

English language ELP Website

North American ELP Website

Turkish language ELP Website

ELP Extra is an e-mail group that circulates the details of political
prisoners, ELP learns about, who do not fall within the remit for support by
ELP. To subscribe to the list e-mail

Belgium ELP.SN is our Belgium contact. For more info e-mail

German ELP.SN is a prisoner led initiative run by eco-prisoner Marco
Camenisch. For more info contact Marco Camenisch, Postfach 3143, CH-8105
Regensdorf, Switzerland.

North American ELP is our North American contact. For more information

Turkey ELP.SN is our Turkish contact. For more info e-mail

North American ELP Prisoner Fund. The North American ELP group has set up a
fund where people can pay money, for North American Eco-Defence and Animal
Rights prisoners, which will then be distributed to the North American
prisoners. For information about the Fund and how to make a donation please

This Edition of Spirit of Freedom is dedicated to American Earth First!
activist and independent journalist, Brad Will, who was murdered on the 27th
of October 2006 by Mexican paramilitaries. Brad was in Mexico filming
protests against the Oaxaca State Governor when he was shot dead. Our
thoughts are with his family & friends.