Sunday, January 14, 2007

One year of pre-trial incarceration for Eric McDavid

Today, January 13, 2007, marks one year of pre-trial incarceration for
Eric McDavid. Eric was arrested in Auburn, CA and charged with
conspiracy. Since that time, Eric has remained in total separation in the
Sacramento County Main Jail, maintaining his innocence in the face of
government repression.

Both of Eric's co-defendent's, Lauren Weiner and Zachary Jensen, have
become government informants. Now Eric is the sole defendant fighting
the government on this outrageous charge. On December 19, Eric's lawyer
filed 28 pre-trial motions,attacking the valididty of the governments
case and urging the court to drop the charge against Eric.

The hearing dates, as of right now, for these motions are February 2
and February 6(many are available online at No
trial date has been set. Eric is in total separation, meaning that he has
little to no human contact in his day to day life. He remains in his cell
almost 24 hours a day, and only gets to visit his family and friends twice
a week for an hour at a time, through a wall of glass.

Please keep writing Eric! Letters from folks on the outside really help
him through his days. Please don't be discouraged if Eric doesn't write
you back right away. He has been getting letters and is incredibly grateful
for them. He has been going through some "down" time and has not been
writing letters much lately, but would still LOVE to hear from you. So
keep them coming!

Please check for updates about the hearings, after
February 6th.

Thank you all for your continued support!

Sacramento Prisoner Support