Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Jeffrey “Free” Luers January 22, 2007 Prison Dispatch

It is no secret to many of my friends and loved ones that I have become hardened and numb to so many things. In fact, my cynicism has become one of my endearing qualities. I am greatly amazed by that.
So, it may sound strange that for the first time since I began my struggle against human caused climate change I am hopeful.
Global warming is upon us. We are feeling its impact and witnessing its effects. And it is only going to get worse. But, it is not too late to start mitigating those impacts and start reversing the trend.
Right now, as I write, congress is discussing introducing four new bills to combat climate change. Finally, the United States government is starting to take steps toward challenging global warming. This could be a historic first step.
For years, the Earth Liberation Front and other clandestine groups have targeted companies responsible for climate change. These actions have been carried out in an effort to punish these companies, bring public awareness to the dangers of climate change and create social change.
We may now be taking the first steps toward realizing these goals. And while I’m not so egotistical or deluded to claim this as a victory, it is an opportunity.
It is an opportunity we must take and act on with full force. Our militants have spoken with action and will doubtlessly continue to do so if necessary. But now is the time for us to push for change with diplomacy.
I am asking that all activist groups coordinate a grassroots campaign to influence congress, the senate and the media. Now is the time for a coordinated letter and phone campaign demanding the following actions be taken:
  • Official recognition that global warming is a serious threat to the economic, social, and environmental well-being of the United States
  • Implementation of a cap on carbon dioxide emissions without exception for aging factories or industry
  • Mandatory increase of vehicle gas mileage
  • Support for alternative sustainable energies in the form of government investment, tax breaks and grants
  • Compliance with the Kyoto Protocol
One idea would be for groups to write sample letters. Then table with them gathering signatures for the letters and sending them all at once to their members of congress and senate.
This is our first real chance to create a government policy on global warming. It may be reformist or compromising and may end up being far from what is needed. But we must do everything in our power to ensure that laws are created that are as effective as possible at curbing green house emissions. This is our chance to truly fight for a better, healthier planet and begin moving away from harmful industry practices. Please do not fail to act. Get involved.
With hope for a greener future,
- Jeffrey “Free” Luers
Write to:
Jeff Luers
Oregon State Prison
2605 State Street
Salem, Oregon 97310
For more information: