Tuesday, January 23, 2007

ELP Information Bulletin (23rd of January 2007)

1) (USA) Helen Woodson is ill and in hospital!
2) (Italy) Update on Lecce Defendants Trial
3) (USA) Mailout from Eric McDavid's support campaign

1) ELP has received the following e-mail from nukeresister@igc.org
who are leading the support campaign for Helen Woodson.

Dear Friends of Helen,

Last weekend we learned via the grapevine that Helen had been
diagnosed with mycoplasmic interstitial pneumonia and moved to a
medical/surgical ward at FCI Carswell. From there she could not make
phone calls, and of course no information was given to her friends in
Admin. Max who asked guards and supervisors about her, so we were in
the dark for a few days.

Today we received letters from both Helen and a friend in Admin. Max,
Helen writing from her first day in the hospital, and both informing
us of the move. Then a few hours later, Helen phoned: she was back
in the Admin Max unit. She had oxygen for use as needed while she
got a few days of antibiotic treatment, and is continuing on oral
antibiotics now. She feels better, having had the treatments &
oxygen, and should regain some stamina that had noticeably declined
in the time since her return to Ft. Worth from the county jail. Her
theory is that she contracted these ailments in the close confines
and often-changing younger population of the jail, & that the
pneumonia was held at bay while she was taking antibiotics for
persistent bladder infections. When she stopped taking those (which
are not the same as the ones used for killing pneumonia), the
pneumonia had a chance to really get established. They presume the
infection is gone, but her lungs show scarring that don't interfere
with her breathing & should heal over time. Other good news is that
her heart tested OK, so there is NO indication of congestive heart
disease, which is often present when this type of pneumonia goes

You may still write to her at :

Helen Woodson 03231-045
FMC Carswell, Max Unit
POB 27137
Ft. Worth, TX 76127


2) ELP has just received the following mailout from Italy concerning
the Lecce Defendants...

Update Nottetempo

On January 18 another hearing of the Nottetempo trial was held in
Lecce. Witnesses for the prosecution, including doctor Katia Cazzato
and doctor Ruberti, made their depositions. The doctors had compiled
false medical certificates following a violent beating inflicted on
immigrants who had tried to escape the Regina Pacis camp. Although
Cazzato and Ruberti were not present on that occasion, they drew up
certificates presenting bruises and wounds inflicted by carabinieri
and priest Lodeserto as the result of falls. Both doctors denied any

All requests put forward by the defence in favour of the three
comrades still under house arrest (permission to work and the
possibility to go to the court without a police escort) were rejected.
It appears clear that Salvatore, Saverio and Cristian will be held
under house arrest until the end of the trial. Furthermore the
refusal to grant even the smallest request presented by their lawyers
gives the impression that the strings of this trial are being pulled
far beyond the court. Until now it had been taken for granted that
charges of subversive association would be dropped and that some of
the defendants would be accused of specific crimes alone, but it now
seems that this trial is being used in order to effectively sentence
anarchists for subversive association for the first time.
The next hearings will be held on January 25, February 8 and February 22.

3) ELP has received the following e-mail from Sac Prisoner Support
who are running Eric McDavid's support campaign. As the below e-mail
shows, Eric is in need of funds so if anyone has a few spare cents or
fancies trying a fund raising event (music concerts are always a good
way to raise money!) then do please contact Sac Prisoner Support.

From: sacprisonersupport@riseup.net

After more than a year of pretrial incarceration and the associated legal
costs, Eric McDavid is preparing to go to trial and needs to raise funds
to mount the best defense possible. Despite the fact that no crime has
been committed, Eric is facing 20 years in prison because of the efforts
of a highly paid government informant. Eric’s two co-defendants are
cooperating with the government so Eric and his attorney are left to fight
this outrageous charge alone. To prepare for trial Eric must hire
investigators and experts, as well as continue paying his attorney. This
will cost thousands of dollars. We are trying to raise as much money as
possible, as quickly as possible, so that this enormous financial burden
will no longer fall on his family. There is currently no date set for
trial, but it could begin as early as April. We will announce the date as
soon as it is set.

Please consider organizing a fundraiser for Eric or donate directly
through paypal to: sacprisonersupport[at]riseup[dot]net

If you would like to send a donation by mail, make a check/money order out
to: “Sacramento Defense Fund” and send to:

Sac Prisoner Support
PO Box 163126
Sacramento, CA 95816

(checks/money orders must be made out to “Sacramento Defense Fund” or we
will not be able to deposit them)

visit Eric’s website at www.supporteric.org for further information and
updates. A new support flyer will be up soon.


Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network
BM Box 2407

North American ELP Support Network