Wednesday, January 31, 2007

8 Veteran Brothers indicted last week... Action Plan?

Dear Fellow Activists

Don't know about you...
But I am really tired of feeling like a sitting duck passively watching the latest news... about the arrest of
8 Black Power Movement Brothers, 31 years
after a "crime"...Confessions obtained under torture...
Veteran, productive members of our Black Community and Community at large are canned to muffle the biggest ever profusion of Police murders of innocent Black men and women all over the nation, Atlanta, New Orleans, San Francisco, LA and then some...

you growing tired ? When is enough ENOUGH?
Or are we jaded by the horror of the police state, just shying away from too many funerals, no longer trusting to exercise the Power of our common voice?

This is an invite for your ideas and suggestions, and forum for action plan.
A petition and website in support of the Brothers in in urgent order. Will be happy to take care of this humble start.
What else?
Who are your political contacts who might join our cause?

I ain't nobody but a grieving Mom among too many, but more than ready to do my share.

Anyone out there care to join

~Free the 8~ ?

In Struggle &Solidarity;,
Peace in DA Hood &Beyond