Thursday, January 18, 2007

2 anarchists still on hunger strike (Tarasio Zadarozni & Gerasimos Kyriakopoulos)

Athens Indymedia
Athens Indymedia in English

In May 6th 2006, riots erupted during the European Social Forum march in Athens. For a period of three hours, following a 2km route, 2500 anarchists in smaller groups of 4-500 people, attacked banks, large department stores, police cars, government buildings, the police headquarters, riot police forces and buses as well as "Z-team" policemen (motorcycle team). They also attacked the US embassy, the Hilton hotel, the Italian embassy, and the riot police force guarding the parliament. 20 people were arrested, while 17 of them have been charged and await trial for multiple felony charges. 3 of them have been detained since May 2006.

Tarasios Zadorozni, one of those 3, an anarchist immigrant from Ukraine, began a hunger strike protest against his imprisonment on November 29th and therefore has been moved to the prison hospital since December 10th due to health problems.

Gerasimos Kyriakopoulos, the second prisoner, began a hunger strike protest against his imprisonment on December 15th. Having had kidney problems, he has been moved to the prison hospital since December 18th.

Letters from prison: Tarasios' Zadorozni [en], [el], Gerasimos Kyriakopoulos [en], [fr], [el]. Letter of hunger strikers from the General hospital of Nikaea

Solidarity actions
Since the first day of hunger strike there have been dozens of solidarity actions by anarchist comrades all over Greece from demos and taking over of radio stations to attacks on police stations, bank explosions, even a huge banner demanding their release attached to helium balloons that was set off in the air amongst hundreds of unsuspected cops during the new year’s eve Athens city center celebration at the fireworks display to the embarrassment of gathered politicians and tv crews that were broadcasting live the event. Also, in Salonica the baby of Jesus Christ was stolen from the city’s christmas crib while in its place a cd was left with propaganda material demanding the release of the prisoners.

Posters in solidarity demanding their release can be found at
[ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12]

Some of the solidarity actions

1 January 2007 (Athens) - Banner released during New Years Eve celebrations
1 January 2007 (Athens) - Motorbike demo to Korydallos prison where they are being kept
The demo of approx. 100 motorbikes on new year’s eve was severely attacked by the police resulting to 12 arrested with charges of breaking the peace and that kind of silly legal crap.
31 December 2006 (Volos) – Solidarity demo
30 December 2006 (Patra) – Solidarity demo
29 December 2006 (Volos) – Invasion and taking over of the municipal radio station to broadcast solidarity messages and to inform the public
27 December 2006 (Athens) – Invasion and taking over of Flash FM radio station (nationwide coverage)
23 December 2006 (Patra) – Solidarity demo
23 December 2006 (Athens) Solidarity demo – Photos at
21 December 2006 (Athens) Solidarity demo at Pagkrati
21 December 2006 (Volos) – Solidarity demo
19 December 2006 (Athens) Solidarity demo at Zografou district
16 December 2006 (Heraclion, Crete) Solidarity demo
16 December 2006 (Salonica) Solidarity demo
16 December 2006 (Volos) Solidarity demo
15 December 2006 (Heraclion, Crete) Solidarity gathering
15 December 2006 (Athens) - Motorbike demo to Korydallos prison
8 December 2006 (Athens) - Motorbike demo outside the Ministry of Justice. One person was arrested
2 December 2006 (Athens) - Motorbike demo to Korydallos prison
1 December 2006 (Athens) Solidarity demo at Propylaea

Feature for Athens ESF, May 2006: [report from the demo | Photos: from the demo [1, 2, 3 from the forums: 1, 2

[ May 6 2006 | Letter of hunger strikers from the hospital of Korydallos Prison ]