Friday, January 16, 2009

Support Carlos Alberto Torres Parole Campaign

Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Carlos Alberto Torres is going before the Federal Parole Board on Monday January 19, 2009!

Now more than ever, we need to show the Parole Board that he has international support. We need to send the Parole board thousands of these letters! We must flood their mail boxes with our demands for Carlos Alberto’s parole! WE CAN MAKE FREEDOM HAPPEN!

Dowlnload a copy of the letter at:

The National Boricua Human Rights Network, El Comite de Derechos Humanos de Puerto Rico (The Puerto Rican Human Rights Committee), and The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign, are calling on all supporters of the Puerto Rican Political Prisoners to sign the letter attached and mail it to:

Jan Susler (Lawyer)

1180 N. Milwaukee Ave. 3rd Fl.

Chicago, Il 60622


Anonymous said...

Was he granted parole?