Thursday, January 29, 2009

Key Documents in the Tacoma PD Spy Scandal

UPDATE: Key Documents in the Tacoma PD Spy Scandal

Some of the key documents in the Tacoma PD and ICE Puget Sound Spy Scandal are now available.

Tacoma PD Photographing U.S. Citizen During Lawful Activity

Some of the key documents can be found here.

Note the large number of activist groups targeted in the Puget Sound Region

Confirmed: Tacoma Spies on Regional Activists

author: Benjamin Franklin
Jan 26, 2009 20:28

Documents show Tacoma PD and Port Police collected and shared intelligence about lawful 1st amendment conduct with GEO Group a private prison corporation.

GEO Spies From its Roof
GEO Spies From its Roof

The Bill of Rights Defense Committee - Tacoma has confirmed that the Tacoma PD and Port of Tacoma Police have collected and shared intelligence data on various local and regional activist groups such as One America(formerly Hate Free Zone Seattle), Community-to-Community (Bellingham), People for Peace Justice and Healing (Tacoma), the Pierce County ACLU, BORDC-Tacoma, and the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) since at least 2006.

This intelligence has been shared and coordinated with the GEO Group, a private corporation currently operating in violation of Washington State laws at the Northwest Detention Center.

We will provide more information as it is processed.

We strongly suggest individuals that are members or associated with these groups request your individual "watch file" from the City of
Tacoma Clerks Office (for the Tacoma PD) and the Port of Tacoma (for Port Police) You should request any and all documents mentioning you and any associated groups to include email, pictures, video, and any
other documents in your file.

ICE Monitored Women's Event at Govenor's Mansion

Documents obtained by the Bill of Rights Defense Committee - Tacoma show that in the spring of 2006, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) reported on a planned women's conference at the Governor's mansion in Olympia and directed FPS Regions and associated law enforcement and security partners to report on the planned activities within their respective jurisdictions.

Here is the event as listed in the CIVIL ACTIVISTS AND EXTREMISTS ACTION CALENDAR (Protests, Demonstrations, Marches, and Special Events of Interest):

Sponsor: Center for Women and Democracy
Date: 03/08/06 Time: 1730-1900 hours
Location: Olympia, WA – Governor’s Mansion
Topic/Issue: “Kicking Up Our Heels” Celebrating Women’s Leadership in Washington
Anticipated Number: unknown
Notes: no further information
Officer Safety Issues and Concerns: no further information
Source: ICE FIU

Additionally, ICE requested that local law enforcement and other security partners provide follow-up reporting to include: after action reports, spot reports, arrests, lessons learned, use of violence and civil disobedience.

I guess women's leadership in Washington is a threat.

So ICEman here is a link to the next event:

Maybe you folks should be a sponsor and then you can attend and gather all the intelligence you think you need, because believe me, you need to get smarter about what are the real threats.


Fantum said...

More information, maps, satellite imagery, and reports found here:

updated frequently.