Saturday, August 18, 2007

Invest in Justice, Stand for Freedom

What can you buy for a single US dollar these days?  Not much...


On June 8, 2007, the Peltier attorneys filed with the U.S. Court of

Appeals for the Eighth Circuit an appellate brief asking the Court to

review and release some 11,000 pages of documents related to the

investigation and prosecution of Leonard Peltier still being withheld

by the Minneapolis Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

(FBI). The FBI continues to withhold these and tens of thousands of

other documents, claiming that their release would violate promises of

confidentiality made to informants and, incredibly, endanger the

national security of the United States.



FBI Misconduct

+ A Politically Motivated Prosecution by US Attorneys


A Wrongful Conviction


Previously released documents showed repeated instances of FBI

misconduct and forced the government prosecutor to admit that the

government does not know who shot their agents over 30 years ago. The

remaining documents may contain new evidence that will exonerate Mr.

Peltier and reveal further proof of misconduct by the FBI and/or U.S.

Attorneys. Such information may allow Mr. Peltier's attorneys to file

additional appeals and may ultimately lead to Leonard's release from


Legal expenses will be incurred for this appeal and other legal

strategies currently underway. One such expense? Cost recovery fees.

As mandated by the "Reinventing Government" initiative of the 1990s,

all federal government agencies charge a reproduction fee - currently

$0.10 per page. Therefore, any of the tens of thousands of documents

released by the FBI by order of the courts will come at a cost.

Do the math. The following is a listing of the number of pages still

withheld by FBI field offices, by State:

Alabama - 600; Alaska - 80; Arizona - 1,268; Arkansas - 200;

California - 9,273; Colorado - 2,671; District of Columbia - 1,000;

Florida - 530; Georgia - 535; Hawaii - 410; Illinois - 2,899; Indiana

- 275; Kentucky - 20; Maryland - 30; Massachusetts - 1,088; Michigan -

40; Minnesota - 90,000 (Update: 77,149 pages were reviewed; 66,594

pages, in full or in part, were released and 10,555 pages are still

being withheld in their entirety; and nearly 11,000 pages of documents

are yet to be reviewed); Mississippi - 350; Missouri - 2,451; Nebraska

- 2,861; Nevada - 954; New Mexico - 3,550; New York - 64+ (the NYC

Field Office claims its file is "missing"); North Carolina - 50; Ohio

- 730; Oklahoma - 2,075; Oregon - 15,264; Pennsylvania - 865; Puerto

Rico - 200; South Carolina - 200; Tennessee - 621; Texas - 1,114; Utah

- 1,500; Virginia - 482; Washington - 3,200; and Wisconsin - 9,654.

Or a total of 91,249 (or more) documents @ $0.10 each for

reproduction. *$9,124.90 !!!*

And just think... with a donation of just $1, YOU can get 10 PAGES of

FBI documentation released to Mr. Peltier's attorneys.

Send just $1 to the Peltier Legal Team c/o the Leonard Peltier Defense

Committee (LPDC). Send your check or money order made payable to the

LPDC to the 3800 N Mesa, #A2, El Paso, TX 79902.

Alternatively, you may donate by credit or debit card by visiting

Stand up and be counted. Help to free an innocent man. $1 = 1 Vote

for Justice. Vote today!

*Please widely distribute this appeal - to family, friends,

colleagues, and associates. Also post to lists, groups, blogs,

MySpace and other online communities, as well as independent media


Thank you for all you do on Mr. Peltier's behalf and in support of

freedom for all people everywhere.

"Never cease in the fight for peace, justice, and equality for all

people. Be persistent in all that you do and don't allow anyone to

sway you from your conscience." - Leonard Peltier

Time to set him free... Because it is the RIGHT thing to do.

Friends of Peltier