Friday, August 17, 2007

Important Trial Dates for Rod Coronado

From: Support for Rod Coronado <>

Here are two upcoming important dates for the San Diego Trial. We
encourage you to support Rod at these hearings by attending them in San Diego!!!!
It is very detrimental that we show the Judge that this is an important case, and we are
paying attention to issues that affect our First Amendment, the freedom of
speech. This certainly is about what we are allowed to say and what is
protected by law. Rod has been selectively prosecuted due to his strong voice
advocating a world view which stands up for the Earth and all life
that resides

We need to remind the administration that we recognize the importance of this
case, and we will be there to stand beside those who are targets of government
repression. This is a new law that has only been used 5 times, and never been
tried in court. The outcome of Rod's trial will set a tone which will in turn
affect the greater community. Remember, if they silence those who have been
most outspoken, it is only a matter of time that they will use the law more

With that in mind, please come and show your support!!!!!! Due to the
conservative presence in San Diego, we ask that you come to the court wearing
clean and unripped cloths. Bring a friend, or two, and learn some new facts
about how protected your speech is, or isn't.... You will also be able to see
some legendary lawyers in action. Tony Serra is has an outstanding history of
protecting those who are being attacked by the government.

We also request that there are no protests outside of the courthouse.
If there are protesters, it certainly is not at our request.... please don't join in to
fuel any conservative fires....

Ok, thanks for reading, and here are the dates:
InLims Hearing
August 31, Friday, 11 am
Judge Millers Courtroom, room 5, floor 3
940 Front Street, San Diego

Rod's Trial
September 10, 2007

We look forward to a large presence! It will let them know that they cannot
take away our rights while we remain silent! *