Saturday, July 07, 2007

New Children's Story Released as Benefit for Eco-Prisoners

July 7, 2007 Portland Indymedia

author: terijian e-mail: terijian (at) riseup (dot) net

From its enchanting beginnings to its heart-breaking end, The Secret World of Terijian is a tale for the starry-eyed youth in us all. The book is a benefit for all targets of the Green Scare; all proceeds after production costs will go directly to earth and animal liberation prisoners and defendants.
Over the past months, our hearts grew heavy as we watched our friends, comrades, and heroes be arrested and held in captivity. As defendants are being sentenced, this concludes the chapter of actions that had been turned into legends, songs, and inspiration. Out of the fire and ashes of repression, our hope is that others will come out stronger and wiser. Hopefully, there are still a few of you out there, brave enough to hope, and strong enough to act. It is to you who this story is dedicated. For every forest destroyed...

For every forest destroyed... And so begins The Secret World of Terijian, a heart-wrenching story recounting the adventure of two youngsters and the secret world hidden behind their homes. Days are spent playing make-believe and enjoying the world among the woods, and one of the little ones begins his adventure to earn a Hawk's feather. However, when a looming force threatens to destroy their forest, our heroes Moriko and Connor must stand to defend what they love.

From its enchanting beginnings to its heart-breaking end, The Secret World of Terijian is a tale for the starry-eyed youth in us all. The book is a benefit for all targets of the Green Scare; all proceeds after production costs will go directly to earth and animal liberation prisoners and defendants.

The Secret World of Terijian can be ordered from Crimethinc NorthStar ( for $6ppd. Copies can also be ordered through the mail:

CrimethInc NorthStar
PO Box 40338
St. Paul, MN 55104

For more info, email terijian (at) riseup (dot) net.

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