Thursday, July 12, 2007

The John Greschner Defense Committee

This committee is dedicated to freeing prisoners who have
been incarcerated for more than 20 years. Both Federal and State
justice system hand out sentences that are unjust and need to be
reduced. All of these prisoners are asking for clemency and pardons,
so please send in your letters to the address below.
US Pardon Attorney
Roger C Adams
500 First Street NW Suite 400
Washington DC 20530
Phone: (202) 616-6070

The address of the Committee is
853 #2 Sonoma Ave Santa Rosa, CA. 95404
Please make tax deduct able donations pay able to Roxanne Davenport Greschner.
John Greschner has been incarcerated for 39 years and has been
tortured at the hands of a repressive regime that has stolen his
life. Since the time in his life when he was housed at USP Marion Ill
and tortured there he has done much to better him self and other
prisoners. He and many others Prisoners have been the blunt end of
years of abuse, such as medical neglect. His friends have all been
harmed by the same type of treatment while being housed by the FBOP
and State prison systems. His current address is
John Greschner
V-12545/ federal Reg # 02550-135
PO Box 5242
Corcoran, CA. 93212
Please send stamps and funds.
Ronald Del Raine is serving a 209-year sentence for a crime
that happened almost 40 years ago and he is 75 years old. Federal Reg
# 85462-132. He is 76 years old and needs assistance from folks all
over the world. He can only receive money and he cannot receive
stamps. But letters to the pardons commissioner would help to aid us
in fighting for his freedom. You can find his current address by
going to and clicking on the inmate locater. Many
prisoners have been indicted for crimes that they have already been
tried for in the past and this group will seek financial aid from the
public to help them with obtaining legal references as well as
attorneys for their appeals. Send them funds. There are many other
prisoners who we will put on our list to free at a latter date.
Please send $ 5.00 donations for printing legal materials to be sent
in to the prisoners. and for photo copying the materials for the
prisoners. They send us materials that need to be photo
copied and we lack funds. These prisoners are now on our list to
aid in their freedom. The location of these Federal Prisoners can be
obtained at click on to the inmate locator and type in
their Federal Reg #.
Edgar Heval Federal Reg # 13950-116
Tyler Bingham Federal Reg # 03325-091
Barry Byron Mills Federal Reg# 14559-116
Tommy Silverstein Federal Reg #14634-116
Leonard Peltier # 89637-132
Oscar Lopez-Rivera # 87651-024
Bill Dunne # 10916-086
George Martorano #12973-004
Scott Seelye
oid# 100679
970 Picket ST. N.
Bayport, MN. 55003-1490
Scott Seeley can only receive money and not stamps. He
is a prisoner who survived USP Marion Ill. And the torture that
happened there. Please send him money and please write letters to
representative in the State of MN where Scott is located as well as
the London office of Amnesty International. Please write to and say
action requesting that "the funds for victims of torture (an
international effort to assist third world victims of gov torture) be
utilized to assist with medical, psychotherapy and recovery in the
case of the Native American, Scott Seeley and Leonard Peltier, that
this request is based upon the documented incidences of gov employed
tortures spanning 30 years of incarceration and documented in State
and Federal investigations and the current and past denials of
medical care by prison officials.

Pilar Gimeno
Amnesty International
International Secretariat
1 Easton Street
London, WCIXO DW
United Kingdom

Send a copy to Rep Karen Clark
MN House of Representative Room 303
175 State Office Building
100 Rev. Dr. M.L. King Blvd
St. Paul, MN 55155 USA
PO BOX 901
OHIO 44430
4000 N. 10TH. ST.


D Gibson said...

Federal prisoners can only receive money if it's sent to an address in Iowa or by western union to the BOP.

Anonymous said...

These are all Aryan Brotherhood - white power gangsters in prison....They have committed numerous murders while in prison -NONE deserve to be let out!!
The John Greschner Defense Committee/The Prison Educational Foundation is nothing but a front for this mans mentally ill wife.

Roxanne Greschner said...

Hey Anonymous are you mentally ill?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous is not mentally ill, Roxanne. That person has you pegged. YOU are a scam artist and are going down.

Roxanne Greschner said...

Yes Yes yes! Are you working for the man? I like how this person would not leave their name. Yeah right going down where no one has done anything but harm me. Are you a sex offender?

iain said...

Hi Roxanne, how is john? is he still in california?


edward c. stengel said...

Although a lot of these prisoners I don't care one bit about, for a lot of reasons, I agree with Roxeanne Greschner on her basic position that 20 years in prison is enough time for any crime. You can hardly find any other country in the world where they keep men in prison for over 20 years for any crime. Even in our own country, the rich and politically connected never serve that much time. Only the poor folks and minorities are left to die in prisons.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry, but you should remain in prison. I am a relative of johns and he should stay in jail. Steve