Monday, July 30, 2007

Eric McDavid - 7/29

We wanted to give you a quick update about Eric, fundraising, and the
status of his trial.

We have now passed the $10,000 mark with our fundraising. We currently
have $10,300. Thanks to everyone who has donated - especially to those of
you who have offered up matching funds, which has allowed us to double the
amount of money we would normally be making in a very short time period.
In that vein, another anonymous donor has offered up matching funds of
$500! If you donate now, every dollar you give to Eric's legal defense
will be matched, allowing you to double the amount of your donation.
Please take advantage of this opportunity while it's available.

Eric says...
Eric has asked us to share this visualization with all of you, and that we
all keep it in mind as trial approaches:

the locomotive has made it's way and passed over the summit. now, it's
momentum is kinetic as it crosses the valley below... throughout the
journey, this train has been guided by rails woven of the love and support
of family both large and small... not too far off in the distance, is the
place where the mountains gave passage to the river on it's way to the
sea; this is the convergence point to which the rails lead. a sphere of
crystalline light is tucked into those folds of green; therein, the image
of the judge is reading off a piece of paper = the verdict of

Trial Date
Trial is still set for September 10. Jury selection will occur on that
day, with open arguments most likely starting on September 11. We would
love to have the courtroom full of supporters for Eric throughout the
duration of the trial - especially the last few days, and the day the
verdict is announced. We realize this is tricky, as no one knows exactly
how long trial will run, or when the last day will actually be... If you
are available at all those two and a half weeks, please seriously consider
coming to court to support Eric. He has relied on everyone's love and
support these past 19 months, and it's imperative that we carry that
through trial - the time when he will most need everyone's love, courage
and strength.

Fundraiser in Sacto
For those of you in the Sacramento area, we will be hosting a Bicycle
Drive-In fundraiser for Eric on Friday, August 10, at the skatepark at
28th and B (over the railroad tracks). The final details are still being
worked out, but you can expect an evening of music, a vegan bake-sale, and
a showing of the movie "Over the Edge" (if you haven't seen the movie,
prepare to be amazed...). If you would like to bring something to the
bakesale, please let us know ahead of time. Suggested donation will be
$5. Stay tuned for more details.