Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Detainees' hunger strike protest

Oakington Reception Centre July 24, 2007 BBC

About 60 Sri Lankans awaiting deportation have gone on hunger strike at detention centres across the UK.

The detainees have been protesting against their enforced removal to Sri Lanka since Monday.

There are 28 detainees on hunger strike at Harmondsworth in London; 23 are refusing to eat at Oakington, Cambs; and 10 are protesting at Haslar, Hants.

A government spokeswoman said staff cannot force detainees to eat as it would be seen as an assault.

The spokeswoman said: "The situation remains calm at all three centres and the Border and Immigration Agency is actively engaging with detainees to discuss their concerns.

"Detention is an essential element in the effective enforcement of immigration control.

"We are unable to force detainees to eat or drink as this would be against their wishes and would be classed as an assault.

"We do ensure, however, that they receive medical treatment as and when necessary."