Sunday, October 22, 2006

update on rod in fci tucson.

Rod was transferred to FCI Tucson almost three weeks ago, and since
that time his life has been continually improving. Rod is living
with another Yaqui man, who is younger but no less committed to the
culture. Rod is sharing his knowledge of the ceremonies, his
participation in the coyote society, and there is a cultural
understanding between them that is very constructive to sharing
such a small confinement. Rod is eating very well, except for when
I visit (but that is because the vending machines are full of pure
processed worthless food). It is easy for him
to eat vegetarian, and since the cooks know this, they give him
extra servings of soy protein. He is trying to get a job, to pass
the time, and he may make a whole 25 cents per hour. He joined a
class on parenting, which will let us have visits that are in a
family space, when he completes the course. He is starting a
writers group on Tuesdays, although his writing will be extremely
limited. He has expressed a great idea of writing children’s
books, and the mystical adventures that he relays to me really
impress upon me how truly visionary Rod is. I believe that
children would get beautiful messages from Rod’s perspectives on
struggle, the secrets of mother earth, and believing in the power
of love.

After two weeks of waiting to be approved for visits, I finally was
able to spend THE ENTIRE DAY on Saturday and Sunday with Rod. We
were able to hug, kiss, and hold each other the entire visit. The
guards are very courteous, non-intrusive, and understanding of the
behaviors of folks under the stresses of prison. The visiting room
is full of children, loving up there fathers and mothers who are
kept from them, and a lot of celebration of the love that cannot be
kept behind bars. It is heartbreaking to watch this interaction,
as much as it is assuring of the strength of family and love. My
daughter spent all day with Rod, playing Star Wars… she was Leia
and he was Luke, then he was Darth Vader and she was changing to
the Dark Side, I couldn’t help but feel blissful at this play,
witnessing how a child can completely negate the context and focus
on the essence of the situation, which is our families love and
silliness with one another. Even when she was tired, and beginning
to test boundaries, Rod and I couldn’t resist to laugh and to
embrace the moment for how precious it truly was.

This week is Rod’s son's birthday week and it has been a main area
we have been working through. It is really painful for him to be
experiencing the separation from his son, as it is that painful for
his son. We can only focus on the positive steps we are taking to
get our family out of this situation, and engage in the truth that
things are forced to change because of his imprisonment. We hope
it is the last birthday where we will not be present at his son’s
birthday party.

Last week we were told that Rod’s release date would be March 25,
2007. That sounded great to us, and he would even get out on the
23rd since the 25th fell on a Sunday. That put him down to 5
months. BUT, even better news came yesterday when he went to his
team meeting, where he was offered a month of a half-way house.
The half-way houses in Tucson are horrendous we have been told, but
that means he can work and can apply for social passes. Rod’s new
release date is March 3, 2007. We are already to the half way
point! Wow, that went fast! Rod will be out in time for the
Pascua ceremonies out at the village, and we can begin to focus on
our family, his remaining legal cases and trying to take a trip to
visit our families. Rods motions hearings are set for November 2,
and so far I am extremely optimistic about this. I don’t think
that the case will get dismissed, although legally it should. But,
the arguments are very strong in favor of Rod. Please send out
your most positive energy during this time, whether it is in the
form of prayers, ceremony, or thoughts.

Thank you for continuing to write to Rod, he is enjoying the
correspondence, but keep in mind that he is being screened for
everything, more clearly stated, they read everything that you
write, or send. Such material like BiteBack Magazine is not being
allowed in, and any correspondence from other prisoners is not
allowed. I just wanted to reiterate that as I think it will help
him if he is not receiving a
closer scrutiny (is that possible? probably not).

Thank you all for supporting Rod, and our family. We are receiving
the gifts that come from the greater power of love…

P.S. Rod's Mailing Address is:
Rodney Coronado #03895-000
FCI Tucson
8901 South Wilmot Rd
Tucson, AZ 85706.