Breaking for Knowledge #8

The BREAKING FOR KNOWLEDGE series aims to answer this question. Promoting the dissemination and discussion of the knowledge produced within the academy in artistic fields; inviting creators and researchers to (re)present their master’s and PhD’s theses in a non-academic place and context, to a general public. –

Returning The Daydream to Architecture

This thesis investigates the reasons for the reappearance of late modernist utopian architectural projects in recent artist films. Three films by three different artists (Martha Rosler, Dorit Margreiter and Patrick Keiller) have been selected for their critical use of post-­‐war architecture in film or video and the way they look specifically at suggestions of revolutionary social changes to the concept of the house.

Architectonic Hell

Existing only in the closeness of a book I present an underground city. In a series of drawings I show a complex system of many thousands of rooms, corridors and stairwells.
In this architectural jumble you only see a small part of the city.
And with each drawing on a new page you descend deeper and deeper downwards.


[16-4] A Thin Wall (film-screening and dialogue with Mara Ahmed)

A Thin Wall poster

Mara Ahmed will visit us in the Spinhuis to show her documentary A Thin Wall about the partitioning of India and Pakistan and the possibility of reconciliation.

Door is open at 19:00. The documentary starts at 20:00. Facebook event

Film Synopsis:

A THIN WALL is a documentary about memory, history and the possibility of reconciliation. It focuses on the Partition of India in 1947, but derives lessons that remain urgently relevant today. Shot on both sides of the border, in India and Pakistan, A THIN WALL is a personal take on Partition rooted in stories passed down from one generation to another. It is written and directed by Mara Ahmed and co-produced by Surbhi Dewan. Both filmmakers are descendants of families torn apart by Partition. The film is also a work of art infused with original animation, music and literary writing.

“Mara Ahmed’s A THIN WALL is akin to a beautiful and powerful book of essays: many voices sharing poetic, personal, and political stories and viewpoints, woven together to convey a universal aching. It is a textural and tangible journey that captures a profound sense of loss for more than one generation. May we all embrace the lessons this film has to offer.” [Linda Moroney, Director of Greentopia Film, NY]

Review in City Newspaper:

Director’s Bio:

Mara Ahmed has lived and been educated in Belgium, Pakistan and the United States. She has a Master’s in Business and Economics. For most of her life she worked in corporate finance. In 2004, Mara resigned from her job in order to devote herself to her true passion: art and film.

Mara’s artwork was exhibited at the Kinetic Gallery in 2008 and more recently at the Colacino Gallery in Rochester, NY. The shows were multi-media fusions of her collage work, photography and film work. Mara’s film training began at the Visual Studies Workshop in 2006, and later continued at the Rochester Institute of Technology.

Mara’s first film, THE MUSLIMS I KNOW premiered at the Dryden Theatre in 2008. It was meant to start a dialogue between American Muslims and non-Muslims. Her second film, PAKISTAN ONE ON ONE, opened at the Little Theatre in 2011. Shot entirely in Lahore, it is a broad survey of public opinion in Pakistan, about issues of interest to Americans. Both films have been broadcast on the American Public Broadcasting System, shown at film festivals, and screened on college and university campuses. A THIN WALL which was completed in April 2015 has already been screened at the Bradford Literature Festival (UK). It has also been officially selected by the Third i Film Festival in San Francisco and the Seattle South Asian Film Festival. For more information about Mara’s work, please

Interview on Voice of America:

Official Website:

[28-3 20:00] Greece Today – A short talk by a Greek anarchist

Since 2010 the news from Greece monotonously include terms such as “sovereign debt crisis”, “great depression”, “austerity measures”, “political instability”, “social crisis”.What ‘s the reality behind numbers, economic indexes and media cliches? What ‘s the current situation of a society after six years of “crisis” and how does this affects the political landscape? And the most important question for activists, what are the struggles against the present political status?
More than just outlining answers to the above questions we shall focus on the anarchist movement in Greece and its attitude towards the state policy of the last years. The rise to power of Syriza marks a turning point for the anarchist movement in Greece. In a political context where the governmental left seeks to integrate and take control of parts of the social movement, anarchist movement emerges as the consistent voice of class and social interests of the oppressed.
This will be a short talk by a visiting Greek anarchist with plenty of space for discussion. Bar will be open afterwards.

[18-3 17:00] Vive La Commune


17:45 Lezing Dennis Bos – Bloed & Barricaden
18:30-20:00 Food
20:00 Short presentation on La Zad
21:00 Music! Shireen & Feral Booty
After 22:30/23:00 Soma Age

(times may change a bit depending on situation!)

(english below)
Precies 145 jaar geleden begon op 18 maart de Parijse commune, een opstand van de arbeidersklasse in Parijs. Deze opstand had een zeer transnationaal karakter en was van grote invloed op de vroege anarchistische en socialistische beweging. Wij vinden het belangrijk de geschiedenis te herinneren en terug te claimen. Daarom zijn we van plan om in de toekomst vaker evenementen te organiseren om historische en revolutionaire gebeurtenissen te vieren of herdenken. Om deze tradities in stand te houden of ter inspiratie voor hedendaagse strijd. Daarom willen wij iedereen hartelijk uitnodigen naar onze viering en herdenking van de Parijse commune.

We zullen enkele sprekers hebben met onder andere een korte lezing van Dennis Bos, auteur van het boek ‘Bloed en barricaden: de Parijse commune herdacht’. Daarna zal er een (veganistische) maaltijd zijn op donatie en we zullen afsluiten met muziek en feest!

Verder zal er op zaterdag de 19e in Budapest (op het WG-terrein) ‘La Commune’ vertoond worden, de briljante 5¾ uur lange film van Peter Watkins. Die begint om 15:00 en zal in twee delen vertoond worden met eten tussendoor.·op/2016-03-19/la-commune

Music (18th of March after 21:00):
Soma Age (Maastricht/France) –
Shireen –
+ more tba


The Paris Commune was an uprising by the working-class in Paris that started on the 18th of March in 1871. The uprising had a very transnational character and had a large influence on the early anarchist and socialist movement. In the future we want to organize more ‘reclaiming-history’ events in the Spinhuis and this will be the first of more to come. We think it is important to commemorate and celebrate historic and revolutionary events. As inspiration for contemporary struggle and to maintain these traditions. That is why we want to invite everyone to celebrate and commemorate the Paris Commune with us!

We will have a couple of short lectures, followed by a some (vegan) food on donation and then we will finish with party and music!

On Saturday the 19th the brilliant movie ‘La Commune’ by Peter Watkins will be shown in Budapest (WG-terrein). It is a 5¾ hrs long movie and will be shown in two parts with dinner inbetween.·op/2016-03-19/la-commune

Music (18th of March after 21:00):
Soma Age (Maastricht/France) –
Shireen –
+ more tba

Vive la Commune, viva la Spinhouse en leve de revolutie!

[21-3 20:00] The Devil’s Anarchy – A lecture about the anarchic life of pirates


Who better to invite to our little pirate-dungeon than a piratologist? Stephen Snelders is author of ‘The Devil’s Anarchy’, a book that examines the histories of two 17th-century Dutch pirates Claes Gerritszoon Compaen and Jan Erasmus Reyning. Claes Compaen claimed to have stolen over 350 vessels, was pardoned by the Dutch government and returned as a wealthy man to his home-city Oostzaan. Jan Erasmus Reyning hit the seas at age of twelve and ended up joining the Brethren of the Coast.

In this short lecture Stephen Snelders will examine the politics of piracy. How and why did some of the maritime proletarians in the seventeenth and early eighteenth century become pirates? How were they organized and how did they make decisions? How did they live their everyday lifes? And why do pirates continue to spark the imagination of so many?

“Snelders has made a major contribution to piratology in English by introducing certain rare Dutch sources full of anecdote and illumination. But he has contributed even more to the field of radical piratology as envisioned by my friend the late English anarchist Larry Law, or the late William S. Burroughs – pirate as a libertarian hero, pirate as symbolic focus for anti-Capital’s desire. Rimbaud might’ve dreamed something like this when he was twelve. But here it is at last,a book of true stories.” – Peter Lamborn Wilson (/hakim bey)”

FB / Radar

EMP.FM Piratenradio Live vanuit het Spinhuis! [27 dec 87.7FM]

[english below]
Op 27 december, 3de kerstdag

Van 14:00 tot 03:00

Een LIVE uitzending vanuit Het Spinhuis

EMP.FM Radio

Een programma vol

Muziek //

Performance //

Disscussies // Spoken word //

Poëzie // Geluids- en visuele kunst


Tune in op


Tune in op 87.7 FM binnen een straal van 300m


Kom langs. Verwacht niets. Ervaar alles.

Continue reading “EMP.FM Piratenradio Live vanuit het Spinhuis! [27 dec 87.7FM]”

brief update

spiderman-rainSo while it will continue to rain in Amsterdam, under the bridge it will at least be (sort of) dry.. This week we again have events most of the evenings. Tomorrow (Tuesday) we will of course have a VOKU again, so pass by after 19:00 for some (vegan) food. If you want to help cooking in the future, let us know!

On Wednesday a documentary with presentation and food will be shown about the 43 students that were ‘disappeared’ by Mexican police forces last year will be shown. It’s called Ayotzinapa Chronicle of a State Crime and the door is open at 19:00:

Then on Friday there will be another Spoken Word with space for music, poetry, short stories, or artwork. You’re more than welcome to join, see the event here:

Saturday afternoon from 14:00 we invite everyone to come and help with cleaning, fixing and constructing things in our space. We can definitely use all hands, so don’t be shy! We can always use more people to help out, do bar-shifts and to join the collective. Send an email to if you’re interested or drop by some time.

(note: up-to-date program can always be found on