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By Robert J. Boyle

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Watch the video of Robert Seth Hayes speaking about Medical Neglect and Parole!

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the 2016 Jericho Movement
Petition for hearings on COINTELPRO!

Robert Seth Hayes had his scheduled parole board hearing on June 14, 2016. For the tenth time, the NYS Parole Board has denied Robert Seth Hayes parole, for all the same reasons they have denied him the prior nine times.

Seth had a great parole packet with housing, employment, volunteer opportunities, college opportunities, medical support, VA support, family and friends support, financial support. He is a model prisoner, over 65, very low risk rate based on the DOCCS own COMPAS test; he has multiple chronic and incurable health issues and has been locked up for almost 45 years.

Despite this, the parole board decided to waste more life, money and resources to incarcerate this man and deny him access to his family and community, who are waiting for him with open arms. Thank you to everyone who has supported Seth and written letters, signed petitions, spread the word, donated money, made calls.

We are not going to stop. Seth is resolute and we are going forward with appealing this decision and creating a campaign to reverse this decision. If you know Seth please send him a card or be prepared to support some movement in the coming months!

You can read the extremely biased parole board decision here.

Jalil Muntaqim's parole board hearing was held on Tuesday, June 21, 2016. We are enraged to report that Jalil received notice on June 28, 2016, that he was once again rejected by the Parole Board. This is the ninth time Jalil has been to the Board, and the ninth time he has been denied, despite having an excellent record and meeting all requirements to be released on parole. You can read the obviously biased parole board decision here.

Also, we have received the transcript of Jalil's parole hearing. We highly recommend that you read the transcript.

There will definitely be Article 78 appeals of these denials. We will need everyone's help in preparing for the appeals and will definitely be waging a strong campaign.

We will keep everyone posted on upcoming steps and actions to take. In the meantime, please take the time to write to Seth and Jalil and them know they are in our hearts and on our minds.

There have been several favorable decisions against the parole board recently, one of which can be read here.

We will, of course, support Seth and Jalil throughout these efforts to gain their freedom!

Jalil has filed a petition with Governor Cuomo requesting commutation of sentence to time served, as it is impossible to have an unbiased parole hearing. He requests that people say in their own words why he should be released using #cuomoclemency4jalilbottom. Gov. Cuomo's twitter handle is: @NYGovCuomo. Jalil would like this to go viral on the internet.

Jericho is a movement with the defined goal of gaining recognition of the fact that political prisoners and prisoners of war exist inside of the United States, despite the United States’ government’s continued denial ... and winning amnesty and freedom for these political prisoners.


The Jericho Movement grew out of a call for a national march on the White House during Spring Break of 1998 by political prisoner Jalil Muntaqim. The call was made in October of 1996 through the Provisional Government–RepubIic of New Afrika and the New Afrikan Liberation Front, but the organizers decided to use this opportunity to jumpstart a much needed movement to build a national support organization for political prisoners in general.

The Jericho March

Jericho98 was the collective work of over 50 organizations, defense committees and groups, 64 Jericho Organizing Committees and Students for Jericho, making the issue of Recognition and Amnesty for U.S.-held political prisoners and prisoners of war a national one with its successful demonstration and rally at the White House.

The organizers who made up the Jericho Organizing Committees were/are just as diverse as the demonstrators who came from all across the United States, crossing the spectrum. The Jericho Movement was clear that we had to build a movement that left no political prisoner out there on his or her own again if we were to succeed in winning this struggle against racism, classism, and all forms of oppression.

The Beginning of a New Commitment

The March 27, 1998 demonstration was just the beginning of a whole new commitment to support these political prisoners and demand recognition and amnesty for them. There are hundreds of people who went to prison as a result of their work on the streets against oppressive conditions like indecent housing and inadequate or complete lack of medical care, lack of quality education, police brutality and the murder of people organizing for independence and liberation. These people belonged to organizations like the Black Panther Party, La Raza Unida, FALN, Los Macheteros, North American Anti-Imperialist Movement, May 19th, AIM, the Black Liberation Army, etc., and were incarcerated because of their political beliefs and acts in support of and/or in defense of freedom.

There is Work to be Done

Once the demonstration was over, the real work began. The Jericho Organizing Committees that came into being around this work continue educating people about the existence of these political prisoners. The original structure designed to mobilize people to go to the White House and serve notice that we will no longer allow our political prisoners to be behind prison walls with no support, and that work is being done to free them, has been transformed into a mass- based organizing tool.

At the present time there are Jericho Organizing Committees operating in Chicago, IL, Iowa City, IA, Oakland, CA, Maryland, New England, New York, NY, Portland, OR, Richmond VA, Washington DC and Italy, and regional committees functioning across the country. Then, too, Jericho is working with local defense committees to bring the cases of IndivIdual political prisoners to the public. Building a bond across organizational lines is what Jericho is about ... that’s where our strength lies.

To find out more about The Jericho Movement check out our website: •
or call us at: (718) 325-4407

The Jericho Movement addresses four principal issues:

1. Building the Amnesty Campaign
A big part of this work is locating political prisoners, compiling dossiers on them, and building the case for amnesty.

2. Continuing the Educational Campaign
About the Existence of Political Prisoners inside the U.S.

3. The Jericho Legal Defense Fund.
Providing supportive expenses for lawyers and law students etc. to provide legal defense for political prisoners.

4. The Jericho Medical Project
Fighting for adequate and quality medical care for political prisoners.

How Can You Help?

Organize speaking engagements about political prisoners in your church, school, community.

Volunteer to work on one of the projects of the Jericho Movement.

Organize a Jericho Committee in your area.

Make a financial contribution to Jericho.
Make all checks or money orders payable to: Jericho and mail them to:
The Jericho Movement, P.O. Box 2164, Chesterfield, VA 23832

If you want your contribution to be tax-deductible, please make checks payable to IFCO/Jericho.

NYC Jericho Movement, P.O. Box 670927, Bronx, NY 10467