Showing posts with label Detriot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Detriot. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Resisting Profiling, Preemptive Prosecution and Prisoner Abuse

Hearing to confront repression of human rights and civil liberties by the criminal
justice system

Saturday, July 16, 3:00-6:00 PM

Reception at 2:30 PM

The Shrine of the Black Madonna Cultural Center and Bookstore
13535 Livernois Avenue, Detroit, MI 48238 map

Preemptive Prosecution: The investigation, prosecution and imprisonment of persons
by US law enforcement agencies based on religion, country of origin, political
beliefs, and alleged aspirational intent - but not necessarily on material actions.
For further discussion, please read Preemptive Prosecution – Cheney’s 1% Approach To
Justice at

The panel presentation will focus on how the ‘War on Terror’ climate and its
repressive legal practices in the criminal justice system have affected civil
liberties and human rights of Arab, Muslim, African American, South Asian, and all
immigrant communities and the broader social justice movement.

Representatives from the National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms (NCPCF),
Project Salam, CAIR-MI, Michigan Emergency Committee Against War and Injustice
(MECAWI), and Committee to Stop FBI Repression-MI will be having a panel discussion
about their political, social and legal campaigns around these very important issues
to address how we can counter and change oppressive policies.

Included in the panels are families who will share personal stories of struggles for
justice. The goal of the program is to shed light on the conditions of families and
communities suffering under the war on terror, establish alliances across all
communities for support, and mobilize our communities to eradicate these oppressive
political and legal injunctions.

PANEL I: Prosecutorial Persecution in the Criminal Justice System
Shahid Buttar, Executive Director Bill of Rights Defense Committee
Steve Downs, National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms (NCPCF)
Abayomi Azikiwe, Editor Pan-African News Wire, Michigan Emergency Committee Against
War & Injustice
Dawud Walid, Executive Director, CAIR-MI

Mel Undebakke, National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms

PANEL II: Impact of Preemptive Prosecution on Families
Hedaya Jayyousi, Detroit, MI
Tamer Mehenna, Boston, MA
Tom Burke, Grand Rapids, MI

Sponsor: National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms, NCPCF

Co-Sponsors Include: Bill of Rights Defense Committee (BORDC), The Center For
Constitutional Rights (CCR), National Committee to Stop FBI Repression (CSFR),
Michigan Emergency Coalition Against War and Injustice (MECAWI), Peace Education
Center-MI, Greater Lansing Network Against War and Injustice (GLNAWI), Islamic House
of Wisdom, American Friends Service Committee--Michigan Criminal Justice Program,
Families United For Justice In America (FUJA), Council on American Islamic
Relations-CAIR-MI, Justice For Shifa and Haris Support Committee, Project SALAM, US
Human Rights Network, Friends of Human Rights, The Muslim Center- Detroit, Michigan
Peace Team, Islamic Organization of North America (IONA).

To participate and co-sponsor the event contact

Local Contacts: or or call 517-505-1697
You may confirm your attendance on facebook: