Monday, June 23, 2008

LA Event: Chip Fitzgerald Event! Please Support

The Los Angeles Anarchist Black Cross Federation is asking for all allies and supporters of political prisoners in the Southern California region to join us at a public tribute for Romaine Chip Fitzgerald this Saturday. Chip was a southern California Panther before being set up on trumped-up charges and has a good chance of seeing freedom in the next coming months. Please come out in support of this brother.
In Solidarity,


A public tribute to Chip will be at noon, on June 28th, 2008, in Los Angeles, at4343 Leimert Boulevard.

Hosted by Dominique DiPrima of KJLH, there will be labor leadersalong with former Black Panthers, including Elaine Brown and David Hilliard.

come out out and support our dear brother who we would like to welcome back to our community.

The Committee to Free Chip Fitzgerald has been formed to advocate to the Board for Chip's parole, encouraging people to sign its online petition at www.freechip. org to urge the Board to release Chip back into his community as he has served more time than his sentence prescribed.

please sign!
www.freechip. org

Today, Chip is the longest held Black Panther Party political prisoner in the United States, now housed at Centinela State Prison, near the California-Mexico border. His upcoming parole hearing is one of the most anticipated dates for manycommunity leaders, students, and supporters around the world, allwaiting to see if the California Board of Parole Hearings will employjustice in this hearing, particularly in consideration of the era andclimate of Chip's arrest, conviction and sentencing in late 1969.

WHEN: noon, June 28th, 2008
WHERE: 4343 Leimert Blvd
LA, Ca