Upside Down World
Monday, 08 August 2016
1 Argentina: Leaders of Tupac Amaru Social Justice Organization Face Political Persecution Nadine Sofia Brennan-Ventura
2 Argentine Social Movements Strike Back Against Monsanto Darío Aranda, Translated by Nancy Piñeiro
3 Argentina: Mauricio Macri's Dubious Dictatorship Ties Heather Gies
4 How the Politics of Extreme Energy Lead to the Criminalization of Social Protest in Argentina Aldo Orellana López and Sian Cowman
5 Barter Networks: Lessons from Argentina for Greece Marina Sitrin
6 Ni Una Menos: The Cry Against ‘Femicides’ Finally Heard in Argentina Fabiana Frayssinet
7 Argentina: Chemical Warfare on Towns Raúl Zibechi, Translation by Alfie Lake
8 Argentina: Punishing to Let the Oil Flow Observatorio Petrolero Sur
9 Over Half the Experts in Argentine GMO Regulatory Body Have Conflicts of Interest with Industry Darío Aranda
10 Prosecutor’s Death a Test for Argentine Democracy Fabiana Frayssinet
11 Argentina: Mining Corporations vs. Democracy Ezequiel Adamovsky
12 National Women's Meeting in Argentina: Thousands Marching for Their Rights Laura Beratti
13 The Other Side of Human Rights in Argentina Silvana Melo, Translation by Nick MacWilliam
14 Ghosts of Olavarría: Human Rights Trial in Argentina Seeks Justice for Victims of Military Dictatorship Nick MacWilliam
15 Why Argentina is Right to Defy the Taliban of Global Finance Jerome Roos
16 Argentina: Communities to Resist Oil Extraction in National Park Fionuala Cregan
17 Argentina: Journalism and Propaganda Darío Aranda, Translated by Danica Jorden
18 Andrés Carrasco, Argentine Scientist and Activist: A Thank You Darío Aranda, Translated by Danica Jorden
19 Defending the Earth in Argentina: From Direct Action to Autonomy Marina Sitrin
20 An Argentine Bachillerato Popular at the Crossroads: The Encroachment of the State on the Demands of Social Organizations Lucas Christel and Nancy Piñeiro, Translated by Nancy Piñeiro
21 Argentine Activists Win First Round Against Monsanto Plant Fabiana Frayssinet
22 Land Conflicts in Argentina: From Resistance to Systemic Transformation Zoe Brent
23 A Deal with the Devil? Argentina Reaches a Fracking Agreement with Chevron Jorge Daniel Taillant
24 Argentina: Millions Against Monsanto Darío Aranda, Translation by Clayton Conn
25 Argentina: Autonomy in Buenos Aires’ Villa 31 Raúl Zibechi
26 First Prisoners’ Trade Union Defends Rights in Argentina Marcela Valente
27 Argentina: No to Mining Darío Aranda, Translation by Clayton Conn
28 Operation Condor on Trial in Argentina Marcela Valente
29 Argentina Profunda: Extractivism and Resistance Darío Aranda, Translation by Clayton Conn
30 Everyday Revolutions: Horizontalism and Autonomy in Argentina - Excerpts from New Book Marina Sitrin
31 Interview with Darío Aranda: Extractivism, Resistance, Repression, and Journalism in Argentina José Luis Meirás, Translation by Paige Patchin, Edited by N. Piñeiro
32 A Year of Progress in Argentina’s Human Rights Trials Marcela Valente
33 Argentina’s Biggest Human Rights Trial Begins Marcela Valente
34 Argentine Judge Freezes Chevron Assets To Pay $19 Billion Ecuador Fine Pratap Chatterjee, CorpWatch Blog
35 New Media Law, New Voices in Argentina Marcela Valente
36 Agribusiness as Usual: The Death of Peasant Farming in Argentina Hugh Davies
37 Guarani Women Arise! Indigenous Leader Matilde Lucio Wins International Rural Women's Day Prize Fionuala Cregan
38 Adolfo Pérez Esquivel: 'There is No Political Will to Respect Native Peoples' in Argentina Darío Aranda, Translation by Jim Rudolf
39 Argentina: A Decade Without Dario and Maxi Francesca Fiorentini
40 The Right to Identity: Argentine Congress Affirms Transgender Rights in Historic Vote Francesca Fiorentini
41 First School for Transvestites Opens in Buenos Aires Marcela Valente
42 Argentina Thirty Years After the Malvinas War: Demanding Sovereignty and Healing the Wounds of War Francesca Fiorentini
43 New Declassified Details on Repression and U.S. Support for Military Dictatorship in Argentina The National Security Archive
44 Thousands Protest Canadian Mining Project in Argentina Marcela Valente
45 Remembering the Social Movements that Reimagined Argentina: 2002 - 2012 Francesca Fiorentini
46 Argentina Shows World How to Beat the Economic Crisis Marcela Valente
47 Cristina Kirchner and Argentina's Good Fortune Mark Weisbrot
48 From The “Dirty War” to Poisoned Food: The World According to Marie-Monique Robin Interview by Lucas Palero, Translation by Alex Cachinero-Gorman
49 Resource Control and Military Might: The Future of the Malvinas/Falkland Islands Francesca Fiorentini
50 Argentina: Rural Slavery at Time of Record Earnings Marcela Valente
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