libertarian communism

Freedom of access - Donald Rooum

Donald Rooum looks at several case studies to demonstrate how communist, or moneyless distribution of goods or services, can function effectively.

An A to Z of communisation - Gilles Dauvé

An A-Z of key aspects of communisation theory, by Gilles Dauvé.

A Peasant Experiment

H. E. K AM IN SKI'S article first appeared in his book Ceux de Barcelone

{Paris 1937). Born in Germany, he died in France last year at the age
of 75.

Contra a metafísica da escassez, copiosidade prática - humanaesfera

Uma resposta à seguinte objeção: "A abundância (superação da escassez) é impossível, uma vez que vivemos em um universo com recursos limitados, não só econômica mas fisicamente; portanto superar a escassez é uma exigência metafísica, absurda, que necessitaria uma automatização total do universo infinito para entregar à cada indivíduo, elevado ao status de um deus, a realização de seus menores caprichos e arbitrariedades."

Propriedade privada, escassez e democracia - humanaesfera

Artigo originalmente escrito como resposta aos "libertários" que veem a escassez como uma consagração natural, objetiva e eterna da propriedade privada e do mercado. Também é mostrada uma perspectiva a respeito dos limites da democracia em relação à transformação das condições de existência materiais.

Against the metaphysics of scarcity, for the practical copiousness - humanaesfera

A reply to the following objection: "The abundance (overcoming scarcity) is impossible since we live in a world with limited resources, not only economically, but physically, so overcoming scarcity is a metaphysical, absurd demand, which requires a complete automation of the infinite universe to deliver to each individual, raised to the status of a god, every whim and arbitrariness."

The ‘Solidarity’ group: not so solid - Socialist Party of Great Britain

Cornelius Castoriadis, a.k.a. Paul Cardan

Article critical of the market socialism of Cornelius Castoriadis and some others in the Solidarity group by the SPGB. While not agreeing with everything in the article (for example about the Russian revolution) we would generally agree with this critique.

What is libertarian socialism? An interview with Ken Weller

Interview between Flux magazine and Ken Weller, a member of Solidarity, about the nature of libertarian socialism, conducted in 1995.

Private property, scarcity and democracy - humanaesfera

This article was originally written as a response to "libertarians" who see scarcity as a natural, objective and eternal consecration of private property and the market. It also describes a perspective concerning the limitations of democracy in relation to the transformation of the material conditions of existence.

Libertarian unnecessarian - Blake Nemo

The libertarian/authoritarian dichotomy is less than useful for communist politics, writes Blake Nemo.