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Intrigued? We feel the same about you...

Read on, and discover why Zazzle is more than a marketplace, and why the people are more essential than the product.

About Us

First and foremost, Zazzle is a company that's all about people...our employees, our customers, our designers and our partners. We believe that having extraordinary people is the greatest possible asset and sustainable advantage for a company. We began with an idea 10 years ago, and publicly launched our website in the summer of 2005. It's been a wild ride since then… and we've only just begun.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple: “To Enable Every Custom, On-Demand Product in the World On Our Platform.” In other words, Zazzle, The Make Engine™, is creating both the tools and the marketplace for anything you can imagine – customized. Simple concept, but very hard to do! The good news: we're getting closer to this reality every single day. And we're having a blast doing it.

The Zazzle Story

Our Technology

At Zazzle, our technologies are all about turning your dreams into reality. We're tackling some of the hardest technical challenges around. And we're not only developing cutting-edge software innovations, but also never-before-seen hardware and manufacturing systems.

Our Products

Our products let you… be you! We're deeply passionate about providing you with an opportunity to be yourself through customization. And we're committed to offering the highest quality custom products in the world, in an ever-expanding array of categories.

The People

Zazzlers are a passionate bunch. We're dreamers. And we believe that anything is possible (ok, most anything). From PhD's in mathematics to national physics champions to professional artists and manufacturing gurus… we're all over the place but united by a passion to re-define commerce.

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