
on rabble.ca

Men sexually harassing women journalists is a trend that just won't die | Jul 29 2016 | Emily Blake | CTV Vancouver reporter Sarah MacDonald was the target of a degrading sexist prank that is indicative of a larger problem in Canada.
Privacy compromised: Legal rights and protections in Canada | Jul 28 2016 | Michael Hackl, Pro Bono | What should the institutions that are privy to our private information do when they have to deal with competing privacy and secrecy concerns? Michael Hackl looks at Canada's privacy laws to find out.
Coco Framboise
Toronto Burlesque Festival 'lightning rod' for political debate | Jul 28 2016 | Laura Brightwell | This weekend the Toronto Burlesque Festival begins! Laura Brightwell caught up with the Executive Director of Programming Coco Framboise to get her thoughts on the current burlesque scene.
Feminism has been taken over by capitalism, and it ain't pretty | Jul 28 2016 | Kaitlin McNabb | When did feminism start meaning that consumption was the most revolutionary act? Marketplace feminism has been creeping in for quite a while and it's time to put it in its place.
Women deserve better spray painted on a brick wall.
Domestic violence project '1inFour' receives funding from Hamilton Community Foundation | Jul 28 2016 | Doreen Nicoll | Ongoing funding is essential for 1inFour to continue expanding its website and community partnerships to ensure women become empowered to make the best choices for themselves and their children.
Photo: Ursula Franklin
Ursula Franklin a pioneer feminist, pacifist, scientist and social justice fighter | Jul 25 2016 | Judy Rebick | Ursula Franklin's brilliance, courage and kindness were in equal measure. She helped to shape feminism in Canada ensuring that it was also a movement for peace and justice.
The integral role of Indigenous women's knowledge | Jul 21 2016 | Kahente Horn-Miller | 'Living on the Land: Indigenous Women's Understanding of Place' examines how patriarchy, gender and colonialism have shaped the experiences and knowledge of Indigenous women. Read an excerpt here.
Radicalizing body positivity politics | Jul 20 2016 | Scott Neigh | Tameera Mohamed talks about the radical, intersectional, body positivity of Our Resilient Bodies.
Photo: flickr/Day Donaldson
Beyond cabinet parity: Gender equity requires less talk, more legislation | Jul 19 2016 | Sophia Reuss | Justin Trudeau's "Because it's 2015" feminism has a lot of political currency. But is all this rhetoric really addressing a huge issue in Canadian politics: the parliamentary gender gap?
Web manosphere and revolt of the beta-men | Jul 17 2016 | Aoife Cooke | There's a geeky new sexism espoused by the gender-fluid generation says Irish journalist Angela Nagle.
False Choices: The Faux Feminism of Hillary Rodham Clinton | Jul 16 2016 | Redeye Collective | If Hillary Clinton is elected, she will be the first woman president in U.S. history. Major women's organizations have endorsed her. A new book raises questions about Clinton's commitment to feminism.
Photo: flickr/torbakhopper
Pussy, Pride and police: From bathhouses to Black Lives Matter | Jul 15 2016 | Lyla Miklos | "Pride is political. It always has been." Lyla Miklos' powerful essay on experiencing the Pussy Palace raid in 2000 and marching in Toronto Pride in 2016.

on babble

Hooters set to open in downtown Mtl - fight misogyny! bagkitty said... I was wondering where in downtown Montreal... then I followed the link - Crescent Street, all is...
Rethinking sexual assault laws in Canada kropotkin1951 said... I am really tired of the debate in the other thread so I am opening a new thread that is not...
Ghomeshi lawyer says Tom Mulcair is shopping for votes by exploiting his case for political gain terrytowel said... After the Ghomeshi verdict NDP leader Tom Mulcair tweeted Today, and every day, #Ibelievesurvivors...
"A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness" wins best documentary short Oscar mark_alfred said... A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness wins best documentary short Oscar.  Quote:...
Bill C-237 Gender Equity Act mark_alfred said... ETA:  Error on my part.  The thread should be titled "Candidate Gender Equity Act". The...
Chatelaine Magazine Names Rachel Notley Woman of the Year! terrytowel said... There are actually 30 women who have been singled out by Chatelaine magazine as women of the year...
Husband of the Chief of Staff to PM Justin Trudeau Gives Up His Career To Support Hers terrytowel said... Katie Telford is only the second woman to be Chief of Staff to a Prime Minister in Canada (the...
NDP candidate said he is personally against same sex marriage and abortion takeitslowly said... “If I win, it will be easier. As a group, when we tell them, they definitely have to listen,”...
City o Vancouver Sex Work Guidelines...YAY!!! mark_alfred said... Good to hear. in
Struggle against "masculinistes" / "mens' rights" activists kropotkin1951 said... lagatta wrote: The terms Masculist and Masculinist have also been used in English, in part to...

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in cahoots

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
The 2016-2017 Newfoundland and Labrador budget's impacts on women
A new study released by the CCPA finds the Newfoundland and Labrador Liberal government's austerity measures will cut wages and services to women the most.

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