Litha 2016 is out

Thursday, August 11th, 2016

Thursday, August 11th, 2016

Rally to End Toxic Prison Slavery in Solidarity with September 9 Nationwide Prison Strike

Coleman FCC and rock mines

FCC Coleman, which warehouses over 7,000 prisoners, surrounded by mining operations.


Sept 9th is the 45th anniversary of the Attica Uprising in New York, where national attention was drawn to the problem of prisons in this country. This year there will public demonstrations in support of prisoners who have a called for a coordinated national work strike in response to extreme abuses they face, including toxic environments, discrimination and literal slavery based on the 13th Amendment which wrote prison slave labor into the U.S. Constitution.

The Campaign to Fight Toxic Prisons (FTP) is calling for action in solidarity with the IWW Union’s Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee (IWOC) and other prisoner-led groups in planning activities around Sept 9th.

We are spreading the word to our prisoner contacts to invite friends and family on the outside to participate in these necessary efforts to address the violations of civil rights and environmental justice that still occur behind bars.

The primary FTP events will occur on Sept 10th at 10am in front of the Federal Correctional Complex (FCC) of Coleman, located at 846 NE 54th Terrace, Wildwood, Florida 34785. 

This location is the largest prison factory in the entire country, producing material goods for government agencies nationwide. Much of the very furniture which accommodates the offices of the bureaucrats that we live under is made by prison slaves at this facility.

Federal Prison Industries, also known as UNICOR, has over $34 million in contract obligation coming out of Bureau of Prison (BOP) facilities in Florida. This is three times higher than any other state in the country.

In addition, this prison is also home to one of the most famous political prisoners in the world, Native American activist and warrior, Leonard Peltier, who has been incarcerated over 40 years for his participation in the 1973 stand-off at the Pine Ridge Reservation and the liberation struggle of his people who experienced genocide and witnessed ecocide at the hands of the government who now holds him prisoner.

Also, it’s no coincidence that FCC Coleman is surrounded by a vast wasteland of rock mining operations, an industrial activity with a record of creating giant toxic ponds across Florida. Prisons all over the country are coupled with environmentally hazardous land uses that threaten prisoner’s health.

As another example of this, the federal Bureau of Prisons is now proposing to build a new maximum-security prison and slave factory on top of a former strip mine site in the coalfields of Letcher County, Kentucky. Any federal prisoner could at any time find themselves transferred to this prison, subjected to the health risks associated with a site where the air, water and soil are polluted by decades of coal mining and processing, which is still ongoing in the surrounding mountains.

Along with putting prisoners on a toxic site, the prison would also impact local people who live nearby, turning their community into a prison town. Construction alone will waste $444 million of federal tax dollars which could be used to address the crushing poverty that so often forces people into prisons in the first place.

The proposed site also sits a mile from a rare pocket of eastern old-growth forest that is home to dozens of Appalachian plant and animal species listed as threatened or endangered.

We feel that the existence of this industrialized, slavery-based system of mass incarceration stands as a primary obstacle to universal goals of freedom and harmony with the earth. Its continued existence is among the ultimate symbols of injustice in this country.

Stop Prison Slavery!
No New Toxic Prisons!
End Mass Incarceration!
Defend the Earth!
Free All Political Prisoners!

For more information on Sept 9th, Letcher County and other related issues, encourage your contacts on the outside to visit

Also, for additional reading on the topic of toxic prison slavery, check out these recent writings of Texas prisoner organizer Malik Washington.

2 responses to “Rally to End Toxic Prison Slavery in Solidarity with September 9 Nationwide Prison Strike”

  1. I invite everyone who feels disenchanted from global capitalism and the consumerist anti-culture to join the EARTH FIRST! BOYCOTT of the 2016 AMERICAN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. Whereas it is vital to participate in bioregional ecodefensive campaigns, it is even more critical to cut the monster’s throat and burn its heart. Thank you for considering joining the boycott, and NOT voting Green Party-US this time around. As a decades long supporter of Green Party-US candidates, today I believe that it is way way way too late to continue on the “political reformist” road! [It looks as though Green Anarchism might finally have its day.] As usual, I am awaiting Divine Intervention, should everything else (including GA) fall into the abyss of chaos. Keep your options open, y’all, and see you on the front lines. Love and Peace, Craig Louis Stehr (

  2. We’re talking about prisons on the Earth First! newswire? Okay, so everyone please join the boycott of the 2016 American presidential election! I am seeking others to form a “nomadic action group” to be on the road exposing the inherent insanity of this election, and the stupidity which will result if we don’t do this. Hell ya it is good to participate in bioregional ecodefensive campaigns, but it is even better to cut the monster’s throat and burn its heart. I apologize to the EF! journal collective for previously using milder language, which got my comments removed. I won’t do that anymore. Fuck you capitalism, and all postmodern consumerist motherfuckers! Contact me here to destroy the 2016 American presidential election:
    Like the rest of you, I am tired of living in a stupid society, so why don’t we do something about it? Fuck you to any American law enforcement agency which does not approve of my message here. Revere the Earth Goddess, or get off the earth plane. You won’t be missed.

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