Help us keep the fight alive. Together we can reach our goal of $5,000 by July 15!

Help us keep the fight alive. Together we can reach our goal of $5,000 by July 15!

Dear CR supporters,

Abolishing the prison industrial complex (PIC) is both a beautiful vision of liberation and a practical organizing strategy. Our work on the ground is rooted in the knowledge that building the world we want to live in requires us to both dream wildly and make abolition a common sense solution to the economic, social and political problems that our communities face.

We ask that you join us on the path to dismantling these systems—systems that work all too well to cage and kill—and building new tools and foundations that make us all free. By sharing your resources, you are investing in this beautiful vision of liberation and self-determination.

Help us keep the fight alive. You can:

Please donate by 7/15 for the greatest impact! New and returning donors will receive a copy of the beautiful poster above, designed for by Melanie Cervantes.

Thank you! Our fight against the PIC would not be possible without you. And, with your help, 2016 will be a year of growth—for our vision, our organization, and the whole movement.

In solidarity,
The members of Critical Resistance

alongside CR Co-Directors, Lily Haskell, Jess Heaney and Mohamed Shehk

Being a donor to CR has its benefits:

Each quarter CR hosts a donor call during which we discuss some current issues related to the prison industrial complex (PIC) and strategies for resistance. The resources our donors contribute to Critical Resistance are essential to our fight, so it is important for us to create spaces where we share back the strong work that their generosity makes possible.

Donor Call June 2016: CRITICAL THINKING ON ABOLITIONIST STRATEGY. Our speakers, who have worked with or alongside CR in different ways, shared lessons and strategies from campaigns and projects that advanced this common sense. Click here to view and listen to our Donor Call archive.


In the past few years, we have intentionally and successfully transitioned from being funded primarily by foundations to being funded primarily by grassroots donations. Grassroots donors like you provide over 65% of our total budget, which increases our financial stability and shifts more power and leadership into the hands of our local members.

Your donations help sustain our organizing to stop prison construction, to mobilize communities impacted by the violence of policing, and to develop alternatives to punishment and repression that sustain the health and well-being of our families, neighborhoods, and communities.

Thank you for empowering us! Please keep the momentum going in 2016 and make a gift today