" A wealth of information..."

"1169 And Counting is a wealth of information on our Republican past and present , and demonstrates how the Irish political landscape , like that of any nation, will never be a black and white issue..."

(From the ‘e-Thursday’ section of the ‘Business Week’ supplement of the ‘Irish Independent’ , 21st August 2008.)

Saturday, February 07, 2004

JOSEPH DENIEFFE , 1833 - 1910 : 'Irish Republican Brotherhood' Founder .......

.......In December 1857 , Joseph Denieffe went back to America again to raise funds - in March 1858 , he returned to Ireland with £80 . On 17th March that year (1858) he made his next move .......

Joseph Denieffe , Thomas Clark Luby and James Stephens met , as arranged , on St. Patricks Day in 1858 ; the three Irish Rebels then founded the 'Irish Republican Brotherhood' , a military organisation whose aim was to overthrow British mis-rule in Ireland .

The following day , Joseph Denieffe returned to America to continue his fund-raising activities - but political trouble was brewing in America , too . Talk , and fear , of a Civil War was everywhere . To make matters worse for Joseph Denieffe's fund-raising efforts , James Stephens and John O'Mahony had fallen-out over the direction that armed resistence to the Brits was going .

America was now home to literally millions of Irish men and women who had been forced to leave Ireland because of British mis-rule and the Great Hunger yet , as far as James Stephens was concerned , John O'Mahony and the American leadership had failed to harness the support amongst the Irish for an armed campaign against the British....... (MORE LATER).


war and peace in rebel Cork ,
in the turbulent years 1916-21.

By Micheal O'Suilleabhain : published 1965.


"....... Donncadh MacNeilus was in our area to help us plan a raid on the RIC ; we were aware that a four-man team of RIC men would leave their barracks , carrying revolvers ......."

" Evidently , their (RIC) bosses calculated that such a number with rifles would invite attention and fall an easy prey to a local IRA group . Sometimes the patrol used bicycles . Either way , they were a menace to a man who moved about alone . One afternoon in the autumn , I went to meet MacNeilus at a certain house about four miles from home . It was accessible by a quiet bye-road , so I took a bicycle . I carried my revolver inside my coat . As I neared the house I rode down a steep hill at a fast rate . Near the foot of the hill the road made a double turn . Rounding the first bend , I ran into the RIC patrol of four men , with bicycles . They had dismounted and were pushing their bikes uphill . Two came first , one on either side of the narrow road . Twenty yards behind and similarly disposed came the other two .

I rushed between both pairs and around the second bend . I believe they hardly saw me . Within a few minutes I was at the house and in the kitchen . The good woman of the house greeted me and pushed me before her into the parlour . There , the man of the house , his son and MacNeilus were seated at a table , calmly drinking tea . " Did ye see those RIC men ? " , was my answer to their greeting . " We did " , they replied . " They were here . "

As I sat at tea with them , they told me of a very near clash ....... " (MORE LATER).


(From 'The Sunday Times' , 'News Review' Section , 4th January 2004 , page 8).

From an article by Tom Hodgkinson on technology --

-- " Most of us would not go as far as to smash up our computers , but it's worth remembering that the original luddites of the early 19th century were not , as routinely suggested in schools , uneducated blockheads who did'nt understand machines .

In fact they correctly predicted that the new weaving machines would take away their independence and turn them into wage slaves . So they smashed up the frames . But here follows a word of warning to potential new luddites : the powers that be don't like us very much . The government's response to the frame-breakers was to pass a law in 1812 that made frame-breaking a capital offence .

It then hanged or deported twelve convicted luddites , one of whom was just 12 years old . Luddism , then , is despised by the authorities but it's always hip : there was only one member of parliament at the time who opposed the frame bill and it was the original rock'n'roll poet himself , Lord Byron . "

Right , folks - now that you've read the above : stand up , take ten steps back , place your mobile-phone in your good hand and throw it at that damn computer screen .......

Friday, February 06, 2004

JOSEPH DENIEFFE , 1833 - 1910 : 'Irish Republican Brotherhood' Founder .......

.......in the mid-1850's , Joseph Denieffe assisted in the establishment of branches of the 'Emmet Monument Association' in Ireland and America ; another Irish Rebel , James Stephens , was interested in the new organisation .......

James Stephens had taken part in military action against the British in 1848 , with William Smith O'Brien , in the town of Ballingarry in Tipperary , and had fled to Paris to escape an English jail sentence, or worse . He returned to Ireland and , by 1857 , had set-up a branch of the Emmet Monument Association in Dublin .

The leadership of the Emmet Monument Association in America , John O'Mahony and Michael Doheny , then sent one of their most trusted men - Owen Considine - to Ireland to assist in organising a fighting-force in the country . In December 1857 , Joseph Denieffe returned to America on a fund-raising mission ; he stayed there until about March in 1858 and , having raised eighty pounds - a good sum of money in those days - he came back to Ireland .

On St Patricks Day that year (17th March , 1858) , Joseph Denieffe made his next move ....... (MORE LATER).


war and peace in rebel Cork ,
in the turbulent years 1916-21.

By Micheal O'Suilleabhain : published 1965.


".......At the meeting to discuss the up-coming raid on three RIC Barracks , I met Donncadh MacNeilus for the first time ......."

" He was on the run from the British . He had worked in Cork City as an engineer and had been an active Volunteer . One morning , the RIC came to arrest him . They almost surprised him in bed but he resisted fiercely . He used an automatic pistol , wounding a head 'constable' . The weapon jammed and he was over-powered and taken to Cork county gaol . The Cork Volunteers effected his rescue in a brilliant daylight coup on 11th November 1918 .

Since then he had moved about the western half of the Brigade area , fully armed , and was now staying with us . He was welcome for his splendid personal qualities as well as for his capabilities as an engineer . During the remainder of the summer and until late autumn , I was to see much of him . The barrack attacks were to take place on a date in September and he was busy with us on the details of preparation .

The RIC had , at this period , a special technique of patrol which they practised in the day time - four of them would leave a barracks , sometimes by the back door , and go across country on foot . They carried only revolvers ........" (MORE LATER).


A specially-blended , gold-scented lifestyle in the PHILIPPINES .

(From a 'Hot Press' magazine article by Gordon Thomas , 1988 .)

(12 of 12).

The Marcos library is a testament to their vanity . Its shelves are filled with leather-bound books ,none of which have been opened since they came from the printer .

Imelda's bedroom is at the opposite end to her husband's rather sinister sleeping quarters , with its paraphernalia of medical equipment and , incongrously , a toy motor car...

Her bedroom is , said my guide Mario Garcia , " designed for seduction . An endless parade of lovers came and went to this room , trying to satisfy the world's saddest little rich girl . " That they failed to succeed seems absolutely certain .


.....Such was , and is , the life of the idle rich - "power corrupts .." etc : millionaire life-styles , best of everything and no shortage of anything (except the cop-on to play their cards right) - had they 'filtered-down' a little bit of 'their' wealth , they could ,perhaps, still be enjoying that position today - who knows .......

Thursday, February 05, 2004

JOSEPH DENIEFFE , 1833 - 1910 : 'Irish Republican Brotherhood' Founder .......

.......At fourteen years young , Joseph Denieffe joined the 'Young Ireland' group , who were organising for a Rising against British mis-rule in Ireland . In 1851 , at eighteen years young , emigration took him to New York - but he did not forget his Republicanism .......

He contacted a number of Irish Fenians in that city - John O'Mahony and Michael Doheny . When he was twenty-two years young in 1855 , he assisted in the establishment of an Irish Republican group in America - the ' Emmet Monument Association ' - which sought to raise an army to force England out of Ireland .

The ' Emmet Monument Association ' decided to send Joseph Denieffe back to Ireland to organise a branch of the 'Emmet Monument Association' there ; by 1856 , a small , active branch of the Association was up and running in County Kilkenny . Its membership included such well-known Irish Rebels as Thomas Clark Luby , Peter Langan and Philip Grey .

On hearing of the establishment of the 'Emmet Monument Association' in Ireland and America , another Irish Rebel , James Stephens , returned to Ireland....... (MORE LATER).


war and peace in rebel Cork ,
in the turbulent years 1916-21.

By Micheal O'Suilleabhain : published 1965.


"........On my return home from Rockwell College , I was made aware that a plan was being put together to raid three local RIC Barracks on the same day , at the same time . With my friend 'Louth' and my brother Pat , I went to a meeting to discuss the plan , and , on the way there , 'Louth' handed me back my revolver and ammunition ......."

" " You will find a few cartridges missing , " 'Louth' said to me . " Oh , what matter , Louth , you could have used a few more , " I replied . My brother laughed - " His opponent thought that he had used quite enough , " he said .

" What ! Louth , " I exclaimed , " have you become an exponent of the duello ? Who was the gentleman ? Had he blue blood in his veins and all that . Surely it was an affair of honour ? " 'Louth' laughed - " The time and place were all right , " he said . " It was just after daybreak on the bank of the Sullane . My opponent might be described as a gentleman of leisure since he does nothing but saunter along the banks of the river . He might have the blood of kings in his veins for all I know , but he is a water bailiff this long time . As for the affair of honour , it was forced on us . "

" Your brother and I were coming home late one night or early in the morning . A few of the Macroom lads were with us . When the sun rose we decided to have a look around 'Linn na Mullach' to see if we could come by a salmon . The bailiff opened fire on us from cover . We drove him from his cover and tried to catch him , but he got away from us . The Macroom men caught him at home the same day and relieved him of his gun . He must now have recourse to the sword , " he added dryly.....

At the meeting I met Donncadh Mac Neilus for the first time . He had come to our area since he was much wanted by the British ....... " (MORE LATER).


A specially-blended , gold-scented lifestyle in the PHILIPPINES .

(From a 'Hot Press' magazine article by Gordon Thomas , 1988 .)

(11 of 12).

My guide around the palace , Mario Garcia , explained that " if Imelda really fancied something she would buy ten dozen . If she was'nt sure , she would purchase five dozen . "

She bought , for example , two chandeliers - one to hang in the ballroom , one to be stored in the basement . Each cost £79,000 pounds . The ballroom is large enough to hold 400 couples . A party often cost as much as £1 million pounds to stage , with orchestras flown in from around the world , along with the food and the celebrities Imelda needed to surround herself with .

During the evening she would change her ball gown two or three times ...... (MORE LATER).

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

JOSEPH DENIEFFE , 1833 - 1910 : 'Irish Republican Brotherhood' Founder .......

.......When Joseph Denieffe was twelve years young , one-million people died in the 'Great Hunger' and the same amount of people emigrated . But the career politicians , the Church leaders and the so-called 'establishment' did not suffer .......

Others noticed that injustice , too . William Smith O'Brien , a follower of Daniel O'Connell's , was one of the many who had grown impatient ; he helped to establish the ' Young Ireland ' group , with the intention of organising an armed Rising against the British.

Joseph Denieffe joined the 'Young Ireland' group in 1847(the year of its formation)-- he was fourteen years young . He worked with William Smith O'Brien (who , as an 'English Gentleman' , was an unusual Irish Rebel - he had been educated at Harrow , had a fine English accent and actually sat in Westminster Parliament for a good few years!) and others for the following four years when , at eighteen years of age(in 1851) , the economics of the day dictated emigration .

He ended up in New York , and contacted a number of Irish Fenians in that city ....... (MORE LATER).


war and peace in rebel Cork ,
in the turbulent years 1916-21.

By Micheal O'Suilleabhain : published 1965.


".......On arriving home , I found that the feeling everywhere amongst the people was for war......."

".......But war material and weapons were very scarce . It was now accepted that the only available remedy was to acquire them from the enemy . There were three RIC Barracks in our area - Ballyvourney , Ballingeary and Inchigeela . Preparations for a simultaneous attack on the three were now begun . The time was favourable since the quiet period still continued . The IRA Battalion Officers met weekly at a disused farmhouse in the parish of Kilnamartyra , the most central point of the area .

The same old house was ideal in every way as a meeting place for guerrillas . It was set in a lonely little glen among the rocky hills . It could not be detected from any point of the compass , not even from the air , yet it occupied a commanding position and one sentry could watch over every approach to it . We used it for a munition factory as well as for a meeting place . On the evening following my return from Rockwell College , my friend 'Louth' and my brother Pat invited me to a meeting at the old spot . I gladly accepted .

The three-mile walk in the dusk , the prospect of meeting my comrades and the anticipation of a talk by the turf fire in the old kitchen enchanted me . As we set off , 'Louth' handed me my revolver and ammunition ......." (MORE LATER).


A specially-blended , gold-scented lifestyle in the PHILIPPINES .

(From a 'Hot Press' magazine article by Gordon Thomas , 1988 .)

(10 of 12).

Back at Malacanang(the Palace) , while her husband sat at his massive partner's desk and plotted how he would have fifteen per-cent on every deal made by anyone in the Philippines - no matter how large or insignificant - Imelda used her solid gold bedside telephone to summon up more treasures . She tried to buy the finest paintings in the world - thinking that would impress Prince Charles (from England) into marrying one of her dimple-cheeked daughters . When Charles heard this , he reportedly blanched and vowed to avoid the Philippines .

When she was not hunting for art , she was stashing away still more clothes . By the time she left the Palace she had over 800 topcoats , 700 suits , 6,500 scarves - and enough Irish linen to cover a football field ....... (MORE LATER).

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

JOSEPH DENIEFFE , 1833 - 1910 : 'Irish Republican Brotherhood' Founder .......

.......at only ten years of age , Joseph Denieffe would have witnessed approximately one million people gathered at the Royal Hill of Tara in County Meath to listen to Daniel O'Connell.......

Imagine the scene as a ten-years-young child must have seen it : shoulder-to-shoulder with people packed together as far as a child could see ; one-million people , defiantly cheering and clapping at a lone figure on a wooden platform as he shook his fist and shouted rebelliously in the direction of Westminster .

It was a day that was to have a life-long effect on young Joseph Denieffe , and thousands of other young boys and girls , and men and women . When he was twelve years young , Joseph Denieffe would have witnessed the 'Great Hunger' (1845 - 1849) when an estimated one million people died on the land and another one million people emigrated in 'coffin ships'.

He would have noticed how Daniel O'Connell and the other career politicians did not suffer , how the Church leaders would bless the dead and pray for the dying before retiring to their big house for a meal , after which they would sleep contently in a warm bed . And a million people died around them ....... (MORE LATER).


war and peace in rebel Cork ,
in the turbulent years 1916-21.

By Micheal O'Suilleabhain : published 1965.


".......We held a party to celebrate the end of term at Blackrock College ; one of the students , Willie Jones , sung a song penned by the Countess Markievicz , "Battle Hymn"....... "

" Another song was sung by Father Michael Maher . It was " Limerick is Beautiful " , a patriotic song composed by a Limerick man , Michael Scanlan . As is usual , Ireland is depicted as a beautiful woman --

-- " Oh , she I love is beautiful , and world-wide is her fame ,
She dwells down by the rushing tide and Eire is her name .
And dearer than my very life , her glances are to me ,
the light that guides my weary soul across life's stormy sea .

I loved her in my boyhood , and now in manhood's bloom ,
the vision of my life is still to dry thy tears aroon ;
I'd sing into the tomb , or dance beneath the gallow's tree ,
to see her and her hills once more - proud , passionate and free ! "

Although I was leaving for home early next morning , I felt lonely as the concert ended . I knew that I was seeing that good company for the last time. Yet I can always see a clear image of it and hear again those manly voices .

At home again , I found , among the people and the IRA Volunteers , an increasing enthusiasm for learning the art of war ....... " (MORE LATER).


A specially-blended , gold-scented lifestyle in the PHILIPPINES .

(From a 'Hot Press' magazine article by Gordon Thomas , 1988 .)

(9 of 12).

Imelda Marcos would pass the ten-hour flight making phone calls to world leaders like President Ronald Reagan (an old friend) . Once she called Number 10 Downing Street , hoping to get Mrs Thatcher . It was 4 a.m. , London time , and the duty officer refused to connect Imelda to Thatcher .

When he frostily asked why she was calling , she said : "For a chat." On another occasion , she called the Vatican , asking if the Pope would hear her Confession when she next came to Rome. One of the Pope's aides promised to see what could be done .......


Monday, February 02, 2004

JOSEPH DENIEFFE , 1833 - 1910 : 'Irish Republican Brotherhood' Founder .

Born in Kilkenny City in 1833 , Joseph Denieffe grew up to become a tailor by trade ; still in his early teens , he witnessed Daniel O'Connell's campaign for the 'Repeal of the Act of Union' and would have been just ten years young when approximately one million people assembled at what was known in its day as a "Monster Meeting" at the Royal Hill of Tara in County Meath on 15th August 1843 .

The young Joseph Denieffe would have heard , on that day , the speech delivered to that vast crowd by Daniel O'Connell , who stated --

-- " We are at Tara of the Kings - the spot from which emanated the social power , the legal authority , the right to dominion over the furthest extremes of the land . The strength and majority of the national movement was never exhibited so imposingly as at this great meeting . The numbers exceed any that ever before congregated in Ireland in peace or war . It is a sight not grand alone but appalling - not exciting merely pride but fear . Step by step we are approaching the great goal of Repeal of the Union , but it is at length with the strides of a giant . "



war and peace in rebel Cork ,
in the turbulent years 1916-21.

By Micheal O'Suilleabhain : published 1965.


".......A concert was held in Rockwell College on the night before we left for the June holidays . All personnel attended , and the teaching staff mingled with us as never before ......."

" There was no formality . One of the Fathers would call on a student to sing , while the students in turn would call on a Father to favour them with a song , which he invariably did . I remember that all the songs sung , whether Irish or Anglo-Irish , had in them the resurgent spirit of that time . All too soon the hours passed and the last songs were sung . The last was the " Battle Hymn " , composed by the Countess Markievicz for the Citizen Army and sung by a student , Willie Jones --

-- " Armed for the battle , kneel we before Thee ,
Bless Thou our banners , God of the brave !
Ireland is living : shout we exultant ,
Ireland is waking , hands grasp the sword .
Who fights for Ireland , God guide his blows home ;
Who dies for Ireland , God give him peace !
Knowing our cause just , march we triumphant ,
Living or dying , Ireland to free ! "



A specially-blended , gold-scented lifestyle in the PHILIPPINES .

(From a 'Hot Press' magazine article by Gordon Thomas , 1988 .)

(8 of 12).

One day , Imelda Marcos took the Presidential Jumbo Jet and went off to New York to call on Van Cleef and Arpels and ask its chief jeweller to repair a ruby bead necklace she had bought there the previous week . The firm did the job at once , charging Imelda the sum of £5000 . It was May 30 , 1983 - an unexceptional day in the life of the deposed First Lady .

By nightfall she had spent £600,000 for jewels at Tiffanys and other stores in New York and bought up an entire collection of Bloomingdales swimwear . Then she took the Presidential jet home ! It , too , was equipped to suit the First Lady - there was a huge bedroom , with a queen-sized bed , a sumptuous bathroom and the most sophisticated communications network outside the U S President's Air Force One .


Sunday, February 01, 2004


....... Dinny Lacey and the 3rd Tipperary Brigade IRA appeared to be able to operate as they wished ; the Free Staters in Leinster House dispatched approximately one-thousand Free State troops to Tipperary to take the IRA Unit on ... and out .......

Dinny Lacey and his IRA Unit were tracked to the Glen of Aherlow area (near the village of Lisveranane , in Tipperary) and were eventually corraled in a house in Ballydavid (near Bansha , Tipperary) ; realising that their only way out was through the ranks of their enemy , they exited the house with all guns blazing .....

Dinny Lacey and his men got as far as the boundry fence of the property when the man beside Lacey was wounded ; stopping to help the injured man , Dinny Lacey was shot dead . The date was 18th February , 1923 - he was thirty-three years of age , and had spent the final ten years of his life 'on-the-run' - 9 years hunted by the Brits and 1 year with the Free Staters on his tail .

He was an outstanding guerrilla leader , uncompromising in his demands - a full British military and political withdrawal from the island of Ireland . SOME DAY .......

" Why are the English there anyway ,
as they kill with God on their side ?
Blame it on the kids and the IRA ,
as the bastards commit genocide . "

--- John Lennon , ' The Luck of The Irish .



war and peace in rebel Cork ,
in the turbulent years 1916-21.

By Micheal O'Suilleabhain : published 1965.


"....... Ireland , 1919 : on 21st January that year , the First Dail Eireann (a 32-County Body) assembled ......."

" The people had given Sinn Fein authority to set up that parliament . It was now legally accomplished , but yet it was only a gesture , a finger pointing along a certain road . It could not function while an alien parliament with its powerful force behind it still functioned . That force must first be neutralised .

The Volunteers had already undertaken that task , against foreign and native opposition . Now their own parliament directed them to proceed with the good work . Henceforth , the Volunteers would be known as the Irish Republican Army .

In Rockwell College I had been kept well informed of the trend of events in the outside world . On the night before we left for home , after the June examinations , a concert was held in the refectory . It was attended by the entire personnel of the College - directors , teaching staff and students . It gives me the greatest pleasure to think of that night , now half a lifetime distant .

The stern Dean of studies , and the Dean of discipline who hid a great love for the students behind impassive features , now came down and mingled with us for a few joyful hours ......." (MORE LATER).


A specially-blended , gold-scented lifestyle in the PHILIPPINES .

(From a 'Hot Press' magazine article by Gordon Thomas , 1988 .)

(7 of 12).

In her teens , Imelda Marcos worked , for pennies , as a nightclub singer , receptionist , bank-clerk and supermarket check-out girl . Then came The Break -- she entered , and won , the ' Miss Manila ' beauty queen competition .

Uncharitable locals say she slept with each of the judges , one of whom was Ferdinand Marcos . The rest is history ...

Within a few years of settling into Malacanang (the Palace) , she had collected over £400 Million worth of jewellery , with diamonds , rubies , sapphires and more , in her collection . At one stage she seemed about to outstrip the Queen of England as the worlds largest single holder of precious stones ....... (MORE LATER).