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Donald Trump Is Encouraging Intimidation and Racial Profiling at the Polls

Courts blocked the GOP from intimidating minority voters. Now Trump is trying again.

Ari Berman


India’s New Child-Labor Loophole

Indias new child-labor bill is a cause for celebration for the bosses, not children and human-rights advocates. 

Michelle Chen
Criminal Justice

The Feds Will Shut Down the Troubled Private Prison in a ‘Nation’ Investigation

The facility is among several in which our reporting has uncovered dozens of deaths that involved substandard medical care.

Seth Freed Wessler
Guns and Gun Control

The ‘Ground’ in ‘Stand Your Ground’ Means Any Place a White Person Is Nervous

It’s not just about property anymore.

Patricia J. Williams
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From the Magazine

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Election 2016

Hillary Clinton’s Embrace of Kissinger Is Inexcusable

Bernie Sanders should call on her to repudiate him as the war criminal he is.

Greg Grandin

Is Brand New Congress the Future of Progressive Politics?

The goal is audacious: harness the enthusiasm and fund-raising muscle of the Sanders campaign to elect an entirely new Congress committed to the same platform.

D.D. Guttenplan

5 Signs That You’re Paying Too Much Attention to the Election

Step away from the Internet.

Khalid Rahmaan

Donald Trump

Donald Trump Spreads Economic Fairy Dust

He’s pushing the same old failures of Reaganomics: tax cuts for the rich and deregulation, along with nostalgia for an industrial era long gone.

Jeff Madrick

The Myth of Trump’s Alternative Worldview

His foreign policy isn’t an alternative to US empire. It’s a cruder rendition of it.

John Feffer

This Is How Trump Convinces His Supporters They’re Not Racist

Trump garners support from both those who would be seduced by flagrantly racist appeals and those who would be offended.

Ian Haney-López
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Books & the Arts

Brand Yeezy

To what extent can Kanye West continue to foreground the commercial components that make his art possible before we no longer consider him an artist at all?

Angela Flournoy

Before the 1 Percenters, There Were the Uzedas

In The Viceroys, Frederico De Roberto’s novel of the Risorgimento, the Uzeda family corrupts everything it touches.

Frederika Randall

Leaving Home to Go Home

Yaa Gyasi’s ideas about fiction are suffused with her lifelong attention to the fluctuating shadows that race casts on American life.

Erin Vanderhoof

Take Action

Demand That Politicians Fight to Get Women a Raise

The Economic Policy Institute has released a plan to close the gender wage gap.

Take Action Now! >
