
Rio Olympics 2016: Ryan Lochte and three other US swimmers robbed at gunpoint

Rio de Janeiro: Four American swimming gold medallists, including Ryan Lochte, have been robbed at gunpoint by thieves posing as police officers following the end of Olympic competition in the pool.

The incident occurred after a party at France House as Lochte, a 12-time Olympic medallist, and countrymen Gunnar Bentz, Jack Conger and Jimmy Feigen were travelling back to the athletes' village.  

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Rio 2016: gold medalists robbed at gunpoint

USA swimmers say they still feel safe despite being robbed at gunpoint as they travelled back to the athletes' village.

"We got pulled over, in the taxi, and these guys came out with a badge, a police badge, no lights, no nothing just a police badge and they pulled us over," Lochte told NBC. "They pulled out their guns, they told the other swimmers to get down on the ground - they got down on the ground. I refused, I was like we didn't do anything wrong, so - I'm not getting down on the ground.

"And then the guy pulled out his gun, he cocked it, put it to my forehead and he said, get down and I put my hands up, I was like 'whatever.' He took our money, he took my wallet - he left my cell phone, he left my credentials."

Ryan Lochte was in a taxi wehn it was reportedly held up.
Ryan Lochte was in a taxi wehn it was reportedly held up. Photo: Getty Images

The United States Olympic Committee (USOC) released a statement on Sunday saying four of their team members had been robbed while in a taxi back to the athletes' village in the city's Barra de Tijuca district.

"According to four members of the US Olympic Swimming Team [Gunnar Bentz, Jack Conger, Jimmy Feigen and Ryan Lochte], they left France House early Sunday morning in a taxi headed for the Olympic Village," the statement said.


"Their taxi was stopped by individuals posing as armed police officers who demanded the athletes' money and other personal belongings. 

"All four athletes are safe and cooperating with authorities."

Ryan Lochte, right, and Brazil's Thiago Pereira, left, swim in the 200m individual medley final in Rio on Thursday.
Ryan Lochte, right, and Brazil's Thiago Pereira, left, swim in the 200m individual medley final in Rio on Thursday. Photo: AP

Lochte's mother earlier told USA Today that they were unharmed after a taxi, in which her son and teammates were travelling, was robbed by people with guns after it stopped for petrol.

"I think they're all shaken up. There were a few of them," Ileana Lochte said. "No, they were just, they just took their wallets and basically that was it.

Thiago Pereira after a heat of the men's 200m individual medley.
Thiago Pereira after a heat of the men's 200m individual medley. Photo: AP

There was confusion about the episode on Sunday morning when a spokesman for the International Olympic Committee initially said reports Lochte had been held up with a gun were "absolutely not true". The IOC then received information suggesting the opposite.

I refused, I was like we didn't do anything wrong, so - I'm not getting down on the ground

Ryan Lochte

The American relay gold medallists had been at a party along with Brazilian swimmer Thiago Pereira following the eighth and final night of finals at the pool.

Lochte, 32, has competed in the past four Olympic Games and is his country's second most successful swimmer of all time, behind his friend and swimming rival Michael Phelps. Lochte won his sixth gold medal in Rio as part of the men's 4x200m freestyle relay team, adding to his five other gold, three silver and three bronze Olympics medals.

Pereira's representative told The Washington Post that Lochte was in a taxi leaving France House, a venue put set up by France in Rio where athletes and fans can relax and celebrate, on the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon when he was robbed. A brief video on Brazil's O Globo website shows Lochte and Pereira at what appears to be a rave party.

The spokesman, Flavio Perez, said the incident occurred after a birthday celebration.

"Thiago Pereira and his wife Gabriela Pauletti were in Club France, the French house in Brazil, and they were celebrating the birthday of a friend in common," said Perez. 

"Lochte was also in the same place, commemorating the same birthday. Ryan and Thiago are friends. Thiago and his wife left earlier, they left alone, the two of them. Thiago and his wife went back to their hotel. Then Thiago, on finding out what happened, called Ryan. Ryan is well, and Thiago said that the robbery, according to Ryan, was in the taxi. The taxi was robbed."

The incident comes as Australian officials enhanced the security guidelines set out for athletes who have completed competition, including making the sand of Copacabana and Ipanema beaches off limits at night based on advice from the Australian Federal Police.

Australian team chef de mission Kitty Chiller said athletes had also been told not to travel by foot after dark and not to wear team uniforms out at night.

"We've put now the Copa and Ipanema beaches...the actual beach, the sand off limits. There has been a lot of increased petty criminal - but criminal - activity on the actual beaches," Chiller said.

"We're also highly encouraging our athletes [to go elsewhere]...we've found a couple of areas in Barra to go to rather than travelling into town because the Copa-Ipanema downtown area seems to be where most of the unsavoury activity is happening."

The Brazilian Olympic Committee is yet to respond to enquiries concerning Pereira's attendance at the party on the night.

Lochte finished competing in the Games on Thursday. The Olympic swimming competition ended Saturday night.