This Week on CounterPunch Radio
Nicholas Schou

  • HOST: Eric Draitser51Y7Ogw7uLL._SX332_BO1,204,203,200_
  • GUEST: Nicholas Schou
  • TOPICS: Schou’s new book on the history of CIA manipulation of the media and much more!

The System is Rigged (Only Not in the Way Trump Thinks)

Politicians lie; like her husband, Hillary Clinton lies more than most. Donald Trump lies too, of course; but most of the false claims and nonsense assertions he makes aren’t lies. Lying requires awareness and intent; Trump says whatever pops into his head.

Nevertheless, as from the mouths of babes, words of truth do sometimes come forth from the Donald’s out-of-control rants. An example: his contention that “the system is rigged.” He is right about that; it is rigged. But not in the way he seems to think. More

The Day After Election Day

In an effort to demonstrate united establishment support for Hillary Clinton Democrats are trotting out the reanimated corpse of serial war criminal Henry Kissinger, neocon debacle-monger Robert Kagan and a veritable who’s who of everything wrong with America over the last half-century. Were Donald Trump other than the uncensored id of the residual Republican pissed-ocracy pretending to be an economic populist the choice for or against the status quo would be clear. In neither case will a political direction be found to resolve the material circumstances driving current political disaffection. Perhaps Milton Friedman’s corpse could join Hill and Hank on the Democrats’ ‘fresh ideas’ team.

Tribute to Fidel Castro on His 90th Birthday

On Saturday, August 13, the world will celebrate the 90th birthday of Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro Ruz, the only individual ever to be acknowledged by the UN as a “World Hero of Solidarity.” It is very hard to think of a more important world leader than Fidel. The contribution he has made to the More

Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch


The Criminalization of Black Life

Yvette Carnell on the murders of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile; Lawrence Reichard tells the story of the wrongful conviction of Gary Tyler; and Christopher Ketcham on the unfettered power of prosecutors. Work and Suicide in France: Sarah Waters explores the economic forces driving the rise of workplace suicides in France; Dan Glazebrook on the neo-colonialism of offshore tax havens; David Macaray on the inglorious history of the Secret Service and Andrew Smolski dissects the biases of the New York Times’ coverage of Mexico. PLUS: Jeffrey St. Clair’s epitaph for the Sanders Revolution; Mike Whitney on the low interest con-job; Chris Floyd on the consequences of a permanent State of Emergency; Daniel Raventos and Julie Wark on Brexit and the Spanish elections; Lee Ballinger on the zealots of recycling and Kim Nicolini on the surrealist films of Yorgos Lanthimos.

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The Cockburn Brothers: The Press, the Military and the Soviet Union

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