Latest stories

An alleged housing scam grows in Brooklyn

By Fred Schulte

‘We are a law firm’

By Fred Schulte

Lawyers exploit foreclosure ‘rescue’ fee loophole

By Fred Schulte

Low bar: How lawyers profit off desperate homeowners

By Fred Schulte

Homeowners say foreclosure firm failed them

By Fred Schulte

Network neutrality decision likely won't go to Supreme Court

By Oghene Oyiborhoro

Regulators to crack down on payday and auto-title lenders

By Fred Schulte

Rich people have access to high-speed Internet; many poor people still don't

How the Center for Public Integrity measured Internet inequality

By Ben Wieder

Center asks Virginia Supreme Court to make public auto title-loan records

By Fred Schulte

Virginia officials keep title-loan records private

By Fred Schulte

Members of Congress call for reforms to bulk mortgage sales

By Jared Bennett

Giant title loan companies argue they are people too

By Fred Schulte

Former race-car driver Scott Tucker arrested on racketeering charges

By David Heath

Washington state moves to protect mobile-home buyers

By Mike Baker and Daniel Wagner


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