Gordon Witkin

Executive Editor  The Center for Public Integrity

Gordon Witkin joined the Center in September 2008 following a long career at U.S. News & World Report and a shorter stint at Congressional Quarterly. At U.S. News, Witkin served as a regional correspondent in Detroit and as bureau chief in Denver, before coming to Washington in 1987. He covered criminal justice for 11 years, before joining the management ranks as chief of correspondents in 1998. Starting in January 2003, he served four and a half years as the news magazine’s national affairs editor. Witkin then spent a year as social policy editor at Congressional Quarterly, supervising coverage of health care, legal affairs, education, immigration, housing, and labor. He began his career at The Indianapolis Star, and has been a freelance contributor to Planning magazine and Tennis magazine. At the Center, much of his work has focused on Congress and the appropriations process, health care, state government and juvenile justice. Witkin’s work has been honored by Investigative Reporters and Editors, the American Bar Association, the National Press Club, Sigma Delta Chi, Scripps Howard, Columbia Journalism School and the University of Maryland College of Journalism.

Center for Public Integrity to crash national convention parties

By Gordon Witkin

Medicare Advantage reporting honored in health journalism contest

By Gordon Witkin

NRA still wields real, if misunderstood, political power

By Gordon Witkin

LA superbug outbreak calls new attention to dirty surgical instruments

By Gordon Witkin

New scrutiny on campus sexual violence highlights Center findings

By Gordon Witkin

Gun lobby's money and power still holds sway over Congress

By Alan Berlow and Gordon Witkin

Manipulating Medicare in the election season

By Gordon Witkin

A 'Fast and Furious' fight in the House

By Gordon Witkin

Federal panel advises against prostate cancer screen for men

By Gordon Witkin

Justice Department launches probe into sexual assault at the University of Montana

By Gordon Witkin

Battle over transportation bill picks up steam, again

By Gordon Witkin

On our radar screen: Oklahoma City bombing, drug use among troops

By Gordon Witkin and R. Jeffrey Smith

ALEC scraps task force behind support for voter ID, 'Stand Your Ground' laws nationwide

By Gordon Witkin

On anniversary of Virginia Tech shooting, law to close loophole hasn't accomplished much

By Gordon Witkin

Alleged White House shooter used controversial assault rifle

By Gordon Witkin

The perils of a highway bill

By Gordon Witkin

Weapons at root of trafficking case were subject of an earlier Center probe

By Gordon Witkin

ATF let hundreds of U.S. weapons fall into hands of suspected Mexican gunrunners

By John Solomon, David Heath and Gordon Witkin

Reports on gun that killed U.S. agent highlight continuing flow of weapons to Mexico

By Gordon Witkin

Budget deliberations silent on Medicare or other entitlements

By Gordon Witkin

For federal deficit reduction commission, Medicare changes may be easier said than done

By Gordon Witkin

Obama proposal aims at problems highlighted in Center series

By Gordon Witkin

The new Investigative News Network

By Gordon Witkin

Brainstorming the future of investigative reporting

By Gordon Witkin

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