Fred Schulte

Senior Reporter  The Center for Public Integrity

Schulte is a four-time Pulitzer Prize finalist, most recently in 2007 for a series on Baltimore’s arcane ground rent system. Schulte’s other Pulitzer-nominated projects exposed excessive heart surgery death rates in veterans’ hospitals, substandard care by health insurance plans treating low-income people and the hidden dangers of cosmetic surgery in medical offices. He spent much of his career at the Baltimore Sun and the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. Schulte has received the George Polk Award, two Investigative Reporters and Editors awards, three Gerald Loeb Awards for business writing and two Worth Bingham Prizes for investigative reporting. The University of Virginia graduate is also the author of Fleeced!, an exposé of telemarketing scams.

‘We are a law firm’

By Fred Schulte

Lawyers exploit foreclosure ‘rescue’ fee loophole

By Fred Schulte

Low bar: How lawyers profit off desperate homeowners

By Fred Schulte

Homeowners say foreclosure firm failed them

By Fred Schulte

Regulators to crack down on payday and auto-title lenders

By Fred Schulte

Auditors: feds failed to rein in billions in over-billing by Medicare Advantage

By Fred Schulte

Center asks Virginia Supreme Court to make public auto title-loan records

By Fred Schulte

Virginia officials keep title-loan records private

By Fred Schulte

Yet another whistleblower alleges Medicare Advantage fraud

By Fred Schulte

Giant title loan companies argue they are people too

By Fred Schulte

Giant auto title loan firms fight to keep financial data secret

By Fred Schulte

Virginia officials offer auto title loan firms a chance to keep information secret — they take it

By Fred Schulte

Virginia officials deny Center access to reports from auto-title lenders

By Fred Schulte

Some Medicare Advantage plans overcharged the government by billions of dollars and got away with it

By Fred Schulte

Lawmakers protect title loan firms while borrowers pay sky-high interest rates

By Fred Schulte

Title lenders fight to keep records secret

By Fred Schulte

White House wants more aggressive effort on Medicare, Medicaid billing errors

By Fred Schulte

Medicare Advantage plans padded charges on home visits, whistleblower says

By Fred Schulte

Obamacare research institute plans to spend $3.5 billion, but critics question its worth

By Fred Schulte

More Medicare Advantage audits reveal overcharges

By Fred Schulte

Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies, but statehouse fights will continue

By Fred Schulte

Audit: Feds overpaid for half of patients in UnitedHealth Medicare Advantage plan

By Fred Schulte

McCaskill: Medicare Advantage billing fraud 'must be investigated'

By Fred Schulte

Grassley to Attorney General Lynch: crack down on Medicare Advantage overbilling

By Fred Schulte

How Medicare Advantage investors made billions off loose government lips

By Fred Schulte

More whistleblowers allege health plan overcharges

By Fred Schulte

Feds claim Obamacare taking a toll on government transparency

By Fred Schulte

Feds were advised of Medicare Advantage overcharges years ago

By Fred Schulte

Obamacare challenged in Supreme Court, but the states did it first

By Fred Schulte

Humana facing new federal scrutiny over private Medicare plans

By Fred Schulte


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