Public IntegrityOvjeren akaunt


Investigative journalism from the Center for Public Integrity, a nonprofit newsroom holding power accountable.

Washington, D.C.
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  1. Money talks, even for some of the worst human rights abusers in the world.

  2. “I’m not using donors. I don’t care. I’m really rich,” Trump said last June. A year later that doesn’t quite hold up

  3. Analysis: Donald Trump, propagandist-in-chief?

  4. We're very honored that has today nominated / for three 2016 Online Journalism Awards

  5. Strapped homeowners say they’ve been cheated by lawyers hired to help save their homes from foreclosure.

  6. 2016 White House race drew 12K+ TV ads last week, per new data. Team Hillary accounted for >80% of them

  7. Top 6 states bombarded with TV ads by Team Clinton & Team Trump last week? OH, FL, PA, NC, IA & NV h/t

  8. A reality check on crime

  9. The legalization movement has a new group of big-money donors to turn to: Pot entrepreneurs

  10. Commissioners, top managers blamed in internal report for horrid rank-and-file morale at

  11. Predatory lawyers, struggling homeowners:

  12. The legal industry is now helping fund efforts to expand its market. Ballot measures coming to 5 states:

  13. Foreclosure rescue firms operating in Brooklyn, NY appear to target neighborhoods with large minority populations.

  14. 9 of the country’s 10 most populous cities show an increase in homicides from this time last year.

  15. The legalization movement has a new group of big-money donors to turn to: Pot entrepreneurs

  16. But he has a long way to go to get on the ballot in many states

  17. Homeowners turned to these firms expecting lower mortgage payments. Some lost their homes instead.

  18. AZ is now the 5th state to have a legalization measure geared up for the Nov. ballot. The $$ behind it:

  19. Based on these numbers, violent crime does appear to be on the rise in major cities.

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