Alec Selwyn-Holmes


Photoblogger. Cynic. Classical Liberal. Atheist. Libertine. There's now a 'The Hon.' in there somewhere. Card-carrying member of the Establishment.

London, New York and all that

已封鎖 @aalholmes

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  1. A photojournalism story from Twilight Zone republic of

  2. The decade-long image licensing war is suddenly over | Photo: David Turnley—

  3. i disagree with Jeremy Corbyn on a lot of things, but he is right about displaced Chagos Islanders. an important isssue.

  4. history is written by victors -- or at least, those who scrubs social networks:

  5. Tanks rolling into Tiananmen

  6. The stockmarket's collapse kicks up political fallout for Xi Jinping | The Economist

  7. China's Communist Party is plundering history to justify its present-day ambitions

  8. On August 6th 1945 America bombed Hiroshima. Our coverage of events that month

  9. My cool cousin, big social media holdout, and decent travel photographer just joined Instagram. WHat?:


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