Winter 2016
Winter 2016

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International klezmer supergroup The Brothers Nazaroff, composed of Daniel Kahn, Psoy Korolenko, Michael Alpert, Jake Shulman-Ment, Bob Cohen, and Hampus Melin, breathe new life into the discordant, obscure, jubilant legacy of their Happy Prince, who recorded the mysterious Folkways 10-inch record Jewish Freilach Songs in 1954. Animation by Ben Katchor.

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International klezmer supergroup The Brothers Nazaroff, composed of Daniel Kahn, Psoy Korolenko, Michael Alpert, Jake Shulman-Ment, Bob Cohen, and Hampus Melin, breathe new life into the discordant, obscure, jubilant legacy of their Happy Prince, who recorded the mysterious Folkways 10-inch record Jewish Freilach Songs in 1954. Animation by Ben Katchor.