New Internationalist

Young women caught in El Salvador’s gang warfare

Young women caught in El Salvador’s gang warfare

here is a whole generation behind bars, writes Amy Smith.
Crossing to Hungary refugee families get stuck in transition

Crossing to Hungary refugee families get stuck in transition

Many are living between borders and barbed-wire fences. Alice Wyss and Todor Gardos report.
A People’s History of Woodcraft Folk

A People’s History of Woodcraft Folk

A new book by Phineas Harper records the history and evolution of this unique organization.
How the Dutch could derail CETA

How the Dutch could derail CETA

Canada’s experience with NAFTA may offer lessons for the Netherlands, writes Niels Jongerius.
A harsh verdict on India’s poorest, most vulnerable children

A harsh verdict on India’s poorest, most vulnerable children

Mari Marcel Thekaekara on a regressive step in child rights.
'I will never give up my land'

'I will never give up my land'

Goldman Environment Prize winner Maxima Acuna explains why.

Top stories

Young women caught in deadly crossfire of El Salvador’s gang warfare

There is a whole generation behind bars, writes Amy Smith.

In the long crossing to Hungary refugee families get stuck in transition

A growing wait list means that many are living between borders and barbed-wire fences. Alice Wyss and Todor Gardos report.

What's not for sale in branded America?

Mark Engler bemoans the corporate colonization of public space.

A People’s History of Woodcraft Folk

A new book by Phineas Harper records the history, values and evolution of this unique organization. Jeremy Corbyn MP introduces the book, with excerpt by Saskia Neibig.

Open Window July 2016

This month’s guest cartoonist is Payam Boromand from Iran.

'I will never give up my land'

Roxana Olivera talks to Goldman Environment Prize winner Máxima Acuña.

Malaysia’s slide from pseudo-democracy toward authoritarianism

The story is a complex web of deceit, connecting the ruling elite, royalty, investment banks and offshore tax havens. Nithin Coca reports.


How the Dutch could derail CETA

As thousands discuss free trade at the World Social Forum in Montreal, Canada’s experience with NAFTA may offer lessons for the Netherlands, writes Niels Jongerius.

Protect ocean ecosystems, not exploit them, is what the ISA must do

Risky commercial experiments put these mostly unexplored and fragile areas at risk, writes Payal Sampat.

A harsh verdict on India's poorest, most vulnerable children

In a step backward, the country is allowing its young to be employed in ‘family businesses’, writes Mari Marcel Thekaekara.

Global protests erupt against British mining company Vedanta

Critics are protesting the company’s reported practice of pollution, tax evasion and capital flight. Miriam Rose reports.

Royal greed and oppression sold as culture in Swaziland

The country’s king passes suppression, unaccountability and opulent spending as traditionally ‘Swazi’ values. Peter Kenworthy reports.

Post-Paris Climate Talks: implementation at any price

The voices that celebrated the Paris Agreement yesterday sound rather less confident today, writes Simon Fischer.

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