12 August 2016

Tensions rise between Russia and Ukraine after terrorist provocation

By Bill Van Auken, 12 August 2016

The mobilization of troops on both sides of the Russian-Ukrainian border has unfolded amid the mounting campaign against Moscow spearheaded by the Democratic Party.

Atlantic Council proposes to develop Poland as a stronghold for war with Russia

Wall Street celebrates mass layoffs by Macy’s

By Patrick Martin, 12 August 2016

The largest US department store chain announced it would close 100 stores, which will likely eliminate more than 12,000 jobs.

Democrats, media seize on Trump pro-gun comment to step up right-wing campaign

What CIA Director Michael Hayden told President-Elect Barack Obama

Clinton steps up right-wing appeal to Republicans and billionaires

More on the 2016 US elections »

US military prepares new offensives in Syria and Iraq

By Peter Symonds, 12 August 2016

The US is planning major simultaneous operations to seize Mosul in Iraq and Raqqa in Syria that could unfold in the final weeks of the presidential election campaign.

US sells battle tanks to Saudi Arabia as it renews assault on Yemen

WikiLeaks offers $20,000 reward over murder of DNC staffer linked to email leak

By E.P. Bannon, 12 August 2016

Rich was in charge of DNC voter expansion data and had access to a wide range of information about the inner workings of the Democratic Party.

New emails shed further light on Hillary Clinton’s corruption as secretary of state

UK Court of Appeal to rule on exclusion of Labour Party members from leadership ballot

By Robert Stevens, 12 August 2016

The Labour Party’s National Executive Committee argued that the mass sign-up to the party by supporters of Jeremy Corbyn is contrary to the “democratic process.”

Brazilian Senate votes to proceed with trial of Workers Party president

By Bill Van Auken, 12 August 2016

The Brazilian Senate’s vote to move ahead with a trial of ousted President Dilma Rousseff came amid a drive to introduce sweeping austerity measures.

German deportations rise sharply in the first half of 2016

By Marianne Arens, 12 August 2016

While the German government is involved in the escalation of war abroad, it is simultaneously determined to deal brutally with those refugees that arrive in Germany.

Union calls off UK rail strikes

By Michael Barnes, 12 August 2016

By calling off the Scotrail and Southern GTR strikes, the Rail, Maritime and Transport union has again proved its worth to the government and the rail companies.

Southern rail conductors begin longest UK rail strike in 50 years

Police violence in Los Angeles continues unabated

By Alan Gilman, 12 August 2016

An unarmed man mistaken for a carjacker, an unarmed homeless man on a bicycle and a 14-year-old youth allegedly engaged in graffiti are the latest victims.

Justice Department investigation of Baltimore police finds rampant abuse

Baltimore County police shoot, kill young mother

More on police violence in America »

Mosquitoes infect pregnant Florida woman with Zika

By Matthew MacEgan, 12 August 2016

Eight more people in Florida, including a pregnant woman, have contracted the Zika virus directly from mosquitoes.

US price of EpiPen for allergic reactions skyrockets

By Brad Dixon, 12 August 2016

The price of the EpiPen, relied on by millions to treat severe allergic reactions, has increased by 450 percent in the United States since 2004.

Illinois officials prepare all-out assault on state workers

By Alexander Fangmann, 12 August 2016

Republican governor Bruce Rauner is preparing to impose sweeping concessions on state workers with the complicity of AFSCME.

Australian central bank chief insists on “difficult” budget cuts

By Mike Head, 12 August 2016

The Reserve Bank governor said politicians had to move more swiftly to impose the burden of the post-2008 crisis on the working class.

Australia’s “education revolution” sends university staff casualisation soaring

New in French

Londres reporte un accord sur la centrale nucléaire de Hinkley Point et provoque la colère de la Chine

Par Robert Stevens, 12 août 2016

L'ambassadeur de Chine au Royaume-Uni, Liu Xiaoming, a averti que « présentement, la relation entre la Chine et le Royaume-Uni se trouve à un point historique crucial».

New in Spanish

El desplome de la productividad en EE.UU.: otro síntoma de la crisis capitalista

Por Andre Damon, 12 agosto 2016

Detrás de la caída continua de la productividad y la inversión privada, hay un incremento inmenso de la especulación financiera.

El Estado de seguridad nacional y las elecciones en Estados Unidos

Por Patrick Martin, 12 agosto 2016

La carta firmada por cincuenta ex funcionarios republicanos contra Trump es una intervención nunca antes vista en las elecciones estadounidenses.

El Partido Demócrata prepara escalada en Siria con retórica contra Putin

Por Andre Damon, 12 agosto 2016

La campaña acusando al gobierno de Putin de acceder ilegalmente el servidor del Partido Demócrata está dirigida a crear las condiciones para una escalada militar en Siria y un mayor acercamiento a Rusia.

New in German

Rückgang der Produktivität in Amerika:
Ein weiteres Symptom der Krise des Kapitalismus

Von Andre Damon, 12. August 2016

Ursache des anhaltenden Rückgangs der Produktivität und der Unternehmensinvestitionen ist das immense Anwachsen der Finanzspekulation.

US-Wahlkampf: Demokraten nutzen Trumps Entgleisungen, um rechte Republikaner zu umwerben

Von Barry Grey, 12. August 2016

Die Demokraten versuchen die schlimmsten Kriegsverbrecher des republikanischen Lagers zu direkten Unterstützungserklärungen für Clinton oder zu öffentlichen Stellungnahmen gegen Trump zu bewegen.

USA verkaufen Kampfpanzer an Saudis für Angriff auf Jemen

Von Thoman Gaist, 12. August 2016

Das jüngste Waffengeschäft beleuchtet die zentrale Rolle des US-Imperialismus für die Organisation des saudischen Kriegs im Jemen.

Noch einmal über Owen Jones und den Putsch gegen den Labour-Vorsitzenden Jeremy Corbyn

Von Chris Marsden, 12. August 2016

Der Guardian-Journalist Owen Jones stellt sich auf die Seite der Verschwörer und will die Labour Party als politisches Instrument des britischen Imperialismus erhalten.

Berlin vor 80 Jahren: Das „Zigeunerlager“ 1936

Von Carola Kleinert und Andy Niklaus, 12. August 2016

Vor 80 Jahren, kurz vor Beginn der Sommerolympiade in Berlin 1936, errichteten die Nazis ein „Zigeunerlager“ am Berliner Stadtrand.

Other Languages


The Justice Department’s whitewash of police violence in Baltimore, Maryland

12 August 2016

The DOJ report on Baltimore is another in a series of investigations that will do nothing to stop the violence meted out by police on a daily basis.

Earlier Perspectives »

The 2016 US Elections

After the Sanders debacle
“Socialist Convergence” meets to prepare a new trap for the working class

By Gabriel Black and David Brown, 12 August 2016

The conference, which ran concurrently with the Democratic National Convention, promoted the Green Party presidential campaign of Jill Stein as the continuation of Bernie Sanders’ so-called “political revolution.”

Green Party convention: Left rhetoric in the service of pro-capitalist politics

International Socialist Organization calls for Greens to support US-backed “revolution” in Syria

The end of the Sanders campaign: The political lessons

Trump speech in Detroit: Tax cuts for the wealthy combined with nationalist demagogy

By Patrick Martin, 10 August 2016

The national security state and the US elections

More on the 2016 US elections »

Arts Review

Café Society: Woody Allen’s love letter to the wealthy and famous

By Joanne Laurier, 12 August 2016

The film, set in the 1930s, takes its title from legendary clubs in Manhattan that welcomed black and white artists and performers. Unfortunately, the film is the opposite of everything those clubs stood for.

Suicide Squad: The latest comic book film

By David Walsh, 10 August 2016

Lady Dynamite and other Netflix comedies


The slump in US productivity: Another symptom of capitalist crisis

By Andre Damon, 11 August 2016

BBC propagandises in favour of pro-European Union, anti-Corbyn putsch

By Julie Hyland, 11 August 2016

Once again on Owen Jones and the coup against UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn

More on the British Labour Party election »

Vietnam bases long-range rocket launchers in South China Sea

By Peter Symonds, 11 August 2016

More on the South China Sea »

US maternal death rate soars by 27 percent since 2000

Erdogan and Putin meet in St. Petersburg

The battle for Aleppo and the hypocrisy of US war propaganda

Book Review

Sleeping Giant: Deception and lies about the “new” working class

By Nancy Hanover, 11 August 2016

A new book by Demos editor Tamara Draut seeks to refurbish the Democratic Party and the trade unions by promoting identity politics.

Bitterly Divided: The South’s Inner Civil War

By Eric London, 26 July 2016

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

12 August 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

West Virginia coal miner killed in explosion

By Naomi Spencer, 9 August 2016

SEP 2016 US Election Campaign

After the Paul O’Neal murder
Stop the police killings! Unite workers and youth of every race and nationality!

By Jerry White—SEP candidate for US president, 8 August 2016

Stop the war drive in Syria and Libya! Workers of the world unite against war!

After the Democratic and Republican conventions
For a socialist alternative to the parties of austerity and war!

Socialist Equality Party campaigns for ballot status in Louisiana

By Tom Hall and Aaron Asa, 4 August 2016

SEP candidate for West Virginia House District 16 files petitions

More on the SEP 2016 US election campaign »

25 years ago: Italy brutalizes and expels Albanian refugees

This week in 1991 saw the deportation of nearly 18,000 Albanian refugees from Italy.

More »

50 years ago: Anti-riot bill passes house

On August 8, 1966, in response to the wave of ghetto uprisings by minority workers and youth, the US House of Representatives, made it a federal crime to use interstate transportation to incite to riot.

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75 years ago: Congress extends military service

On August 13, 1941, the House of Representatives voted to amend the Selective Service Act to extend the period of military service for drafted soldiers from one year to 18 months.

More »


100 years ago: Russian offensive in World War I grinds to a halt

This week in August 1916, the Russian army’s World War I offensive against the Central Powers on the eastern front suffered a major setback.

More »

SEP (Germany) Election Campaign

Berlin state election 2016
Vote against war! Vote PSG!
Election manifesto of the Socialist Equality Party

1 August 2016

Socialist Equality Party

After Brexit: The struggle for socialism in Britain

By Chris Marsden, 30 July 2016

SEP Australia holds Third National Congress

27 July 2016

The Socialist Equality Party and the fight to build an international anti-war movement

SEP public meeting in Colombo: Halt the attacks on living conditions! Fight for socialist policies!

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

Take up the fight against war, austerity and dictatorship!
Build the IYSSE on Australian campuses and schools!