Quinta 26 de Maio às 18hs!
Projeção do video: “Projeto Fênix. O ressurgimento da guerrilha urbana anarquista na Grécia.” legendado em português
Apresentação do livro: “Nosso dia chegara” (sobre a tentativa de fuga dxs companheirxs) traduzido ao português.
Atividade livre de álcool e drogas
Biblioteca Kaos. Rua Alberto Torres, 185. Cidade Baixa. Porto Alegre
Defendamos la tierra de aquellxs que la quieren privatizar, defendamos la tierra de aquellxs que piensan que es suya, defendamos la tierra de aquellxs que la quieren destruir!
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Bask Bölgesi’nde anarko-sendikalist C.N.T.’nin sekreterliğini yapmış olan ve sendika içerisinde halen aktif mücadele yürüten Curro Velazquez-Gaztelu ile İspanya’da anarko-sendikalizmin ve anarşist hareketin tarihi ve bugünü üzerine bir söyleşi gerçekleştireceğiz.
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13.05.16: Reclaim the Cape -action week took place in Pyhäjoki 22.4.-1.5.2016 and dozens of people where detained by the police. 11 activists were arrested. Five of them were released in few days after the detention. After this, still six activists were kept in remand prison. One activist still remain in prison.
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AntiFrontex 21-23.05.2016
This year more than ever, we need your support to say NO to the European Union’s migration policies and criminal activities of its border control agency, the Frontex. Closing borders and cutting the wealthy Europe off from the countries of South and East – plundered and kept in poverty – aims at preserving inequalities on both sides. Borders do not only work outwards. Their tightening causes increasing limitation of people’s rights and freedom also here, in Europe. Shifting the “problem” of migration onto countries such as Turkey, ignoring the death of thousands in the Mediterranean, imprisonment of those seeking help and better life in Europe, are directly linked to preserving capitalism as a system, in its most bloodthirsty variant.
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