On Friday night, February 26th 2016, an info event took place in the anarchist/antiauthoritarian space ‘Atakton’ in the city of Patras, with the presence of a compañera from Uruguay. The situation of La Solidaria squat in Montevideo, currently threatened with repression, as well as the wider anarchist struggle in Uruguay were discussed, in the context of the international week of action against the eviction of the autonomous social centre La Solidaria.
Turkish police forces have staged a crackdown on thousands in the main Kurdish city Amed who started a march from Koşuyolu Park to the central Sur district to break the siege ongoing for 88 days.
Turkish police forces have staged a crackdown on thousands in the main Kurdish city Amed who started a march from Koşuyolu Park to the central Sur district to break the siege ongoing for 88 days.
22-year-old Abdullah Yılmaz whom police shot in the head in Mevlana Halit neighborhood of Bağlar district got heavily wounded as a result of the attack. People around rushed Yılmaz to a private hospital where he succumbed to the heavy injury he had sustained.
Today less than 50 Nazis, including members of “North West Infidels” and “National Action”, were cornered by over 500 angry Liverpudlians and other antifascists, protectively kettled by riot police, and pelted with milk, eggs, bottles, cobblestones, fireworks, and scorn.
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Prisoner and hunger striker Fabio Dusco has lodged an appeal against his subjection to special conditions of detention and his unlawful confinement in the jail of the Attica Police Directorate.
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A-Radio Berlino ha avuto la possibilità di parlare con un membro del FAU, sindacato anarchico di Berlino.
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Last night, we destroyed the windows of Antidote, Mâle Bouffe, Electric Children (which was also sprayed with paint), and attacked the businesses of the Place Valois. This morning, flyers were thrown in the metro stations Préfontaine, Joliette and Pie-IX and at the Place Valois explaining the attacks of the night before.
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10 de Marzo, 20h: CONCENTRACIÓN EN LA PLAZA DE TIRSO DE MOLINA *Cómo llegar: |
This morning in Idomeni, at the Greek/Macedonia border, some of the thousands of people stuck on the Greek side of the closed and fortified border began to pull down the thick razorwire fences. (TV footage here.) The Macedonian police replied firing continuous rounds of teargas from the other side. Numbers have been building for days, as Macedonia and other Balkan states try to shut down the flow of people from Greece.
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Last month’s Korydallos prison mobilizations in a nutshell
Prisoners in Korydallos began mobilizing on the 24th of January 2016. The mobilization was initiated by prisoners in D wing after having suffered consecutive power cuts which prompted prisoners to react and delay midday and evening lock down by two hours (12:00-14:00 and 20:00-22:00). In the meantime more prison wings became involved in the mobilization, initially as an expression of solidarity with the demand of D wing although they later decided to add a demand regarding the removal of the current prison manager Charalambia Koutsimichali.
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