
Robin Hahnel: The Case Against Markets

Professor emeritus Robin Hahnel speaking at University of Helsinki (11th September, 2012) about some of the structural problems of market systems. The talk was organized by Parecon Finland and The University of Helsinki, Department of Political and Economic Studies.  

Robin Hahnel: Climate Change, Climate Policy and the Growth Imperative

Speaking at Aalto University, Helsinki on climate change and climate policy. The talk was organized by Parecon Finland and Aalto University as part of Aalto University Master's program on Creative Sustainability. 

Robin Hahnel: A Conversation
Robin Hahnel: Anarchist Planning For Twenty-First Century Economies: A Proposal

For the Conference Celebrating the One-Hundredth Anniversary of the Founding of the Confederacion Nacional de Trabajadores (CNT) in Barcelona, Spain, April 10, 2010. A print version of this talk is also available in both English and Spanish.

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