
Cynthia Peters: Some Women Are More Invisible

There are structural impediments to women taking their rightful place as citizens in the United States

Cynthia Peters: Corporate Charity = Corporate Power

Extreme philanthropy is not the answer to extreme inequality

Cynthia Peters: This is How You Stay Focused

Recent news threatens to fragment our attention and make us numb. But we can refuse to get scattered and helpless

Cynthia Peters: Sticks, Stones, Words

Words may not be violent, but they exhaust us and help internalize our oppression. Fight back with solidarity

Cynthia Peters: Fighting Class War While “Walking on Two Legs”

Much of the organizing in the U.S. is guilty of focusing on short-term outcomes and not thinking about how the work is developing the people who are doing it

Cynthia Peters: Misogyny and Hypocrisy Masked as Forgiveness

The Pope’s decision to allow priests to forgive women for having abortions reveals just how targeted women’s bodies are and, given the crimes being committed on the planet right now, how hypocritical the church is in whom it condemns

Cynthia Peters: A Feminist Re-Frame on the Little Pink Pill

The FDA’s decision to approve a drug designed to increase women’s libido is not a feminist victory. But it reminds us of what we need to be fighting for

Cynthia Peters: Medical Nightmares

Two injuries send a family down the rabbit hole of a for-profit healthcare system and a skimpy social safety net, offering one window into what it’s like to get sick in the US

Cynthia Peters: Actually, It’s Never Okay to Spank

But it’s not enough to micromanage parents’ behaviors; we need system-wide change that supports parents to do the hard work of raising children.

Cynthia Peters: Liberation and Mental Health

A Review of “Social Justice in Clinical Practice”

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