
Cynthia Peters: Research This!

A recent study funded by the McArthur Foundation found that in disadvantaged neighborhoods, black women are facing eviction at an “alarming rate.”

Cynthia Peters: “I Should Have Been Dead By Now”

Antonio Ennis is an organizer with City Life/Vida Urbana ( and a rap artist. Performing under the name “Twice Thou,” his music video “The Bank Attack” is available at and his album, which just won the New England Urban Music Award “Best Conscious CD,” is available at www. A short documentary about his Read more…

Cynthia Peters: War on Communities

This foreclosure crisis isn’t just about people losing their homes," said Cheryl Lawrence, tenant organizer for City Life/Vida Urbana in Boston, Massachusetts. "It’s about people losing their communities, their neighbors, the relationships they have with others that give them history and make them feel connected."  I spoke to Lawrence at an 8:30 AM rally in Read more…

Cynthia Peters: "If You Don’t Fight, You’ve Already Lost" An interview with Steve Meacham

S ince meeting Steve Meacham six years ago, I have spoken with him many times about the challenges of seeking radical change in the course of daily reform work. Meacham is someone who is in the struggle for the long haul, who is serious about winning, who strives with others to integrate a radical vision Read more…

Cynthia Peters: Veterans Speak Out

K elly Dougherty, an MP in the National Guard from Colorado, and Mike Hoffman, a lance corporal in the Marine Corps from Pennsylvania, are co-founders of Iraq Veterans Against the War, IVAW ( Founded in July 2004 at the annual meeting of Veterans for Peace, IVAW now has 150 members. Recently, Military Families Speak Out Read more…

Cynthia Peters: Community Organizer

K lare Allen is a mother of four children and a long-time welfare and environmental justice activist. When welfare moved her and her family into a hotel after she became homeless, she started organizing the other mothers. Later she brought her organizing skills to Alternatives for Community and the Environment (ACE), an environmental justice group. Read more…

Cynthia Peters: Movement Building Is the Only Match for the Emergency at Hand

Movement Building Is the Only Match for the Emergency at Hand By Cynthia Peters It’s inevitable. At the end of every lecture that Noam Chomsky has ever given—in which he spells out the workings of U.S. institutions and how they foster inequality and injustice—someone gets up and asks, “But what do we do?” His answer’s Read more…

Cynthia Peters: Feminist Analysis and the Crisis

Cynthia Peters (This is a slightly corrected version of the article published in the 12/01 issue of Z.) Cynthia Enloe, feminist scholar and author of several books and articles about women and the military, suggested that it is useful to ask, "Where are the women?" A casual observer of recent events might be justified in Read more…

Cynthia Peters: On Celibacy, Cigars, and Sales Pitches

Cynthia Peters It’s practically a cliché to say that the marketplace uses sex to sell. Not only do the commercials feature attractive female hands caressing gear shifts, but the shows themselves feature instant sexual gratification, without so much as a nod toward responsibility. In the old days, the Brady Bunch mom and dad kept their Read more…

Cynthia Peters: Marketing to Teens

Cynthia Peters You are what you wear, what you snack on, how you accessorize. Ever heard of the “echo boomers?” Generation Y, generation wired, the digital generation, millenials? If not, you probably haven’t been reading the retail trade journals—BrandWeek, Sporting Goods Business, and Target Marketing, among others. You’ve missed out on the frenzy, the corporate Read more…

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