
Cynthia Peters: How Quaint When the Corporate Media Notices Its Corporate-ness

The mainstream media’s task is to deliver the purchasing power of the largest possible segment of the population to companies with products to sell

Cynthia Peters: Class War in the Spring, And It’s Time to Hold a Meeting?

A meeting may not seem like much, but there’s a lot we can accomplish. We can meet our neighbors, we can listen and be heard

Cynthia Peters: Power Anywhere Where There’s People

An Interview with Ayana Aubourg, a member of Youth Against Mass Incarceration

Cynthia Peters: Research This!

Housing justice work doesn’t only provide a solidarity model for keeping people in their homes. It also helps people heal from the trauma of facing the unjust eviction.

Cynthia Peters: The Boy Next to Me Sings All the Time

A 12-year old girl I know has spent most of her years in parochial or public schools. This year, she’s got a full scholarship to a very expensive all girls’ school in Boston. After one day at this new school, she eloquently captured some differences in working-class vs. upper-class educations. “In my old school,” she Read more…

Cynthia Peters: The Most Important Part of Going to the U.S. Social Forum: Coming Home

The most important part of going the U.S. Social Forum is how we come home from it. This is true because the Social Forum is only valuable insofar as it helps us build a strong grassroots base at home that is capable of winning demands, gaining, power, and ultimately changing the way institutions work. If Read more…

Cynthia Peters: Women Who Bathe Together

At a public bath in Morocco, I watched a young adolescent bathe her grandmother. She picked up each limb, moved her breasts this way and that, and shifted her belly about to reach every crevice. She stood over her, squatted next to her, and sat alongside her as she put a fair amount of muscle Read more…

Cynthia Peters: Doubtful about Presidents; Optimistic about Us

Writing for Time Magazine on November 5th, Joe Klein called Barack Obama’s victory a sign that our country is a "younger, more optimistic, less cynical" place. "It is a country that retains its ability to startle the world — and in a good way, with our freedom." The Boston Globe editorialized that the new president Read more…

Cynthia Peters: Newsflash: If it sounds ridiculous, it probably is…

"City urges parent to nourish young minds with talk," says the headline on the front page of the Boston Globe (4-2-08). The article goes on to describe how "literacy coaches" are fanning out into public housing in the inner city to teach low-income parents the importance of talking to their children. "You might think you Read more…

Cynthia Peters: What’s the Matter with Getting Off?

  When I was reading Robert Jensen’s new book "Getting Off: Pornography and the End of Masculinity," I found myself being careful to put the book away with the cover face-down. Why? Because the cover looks, well, vaguely pornographic. It features a close-up of a man who looks like he might be jerking off in Read more…

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