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  • Pimentel: HISTORY HANDBOOK: Seeing Red: Nixon and the Presidential Election in Chile, 1970

    That Nixon facilitated the ousting of Allende via collusion with the Chilean military and Allende’s political enemies comes as no surprise to students of the American war in Vietnam

  • Shoup: The Clinton Dynasty and the Shadow Government

    In the U.S., the shadow government represents the capitalist class—made up of extremely wealthy plutocratic families—its hierarchal values and vested interests, not rank and file Americans.

  • Shoup: Wall Street’s Think Tank

    I have a number of interesting stories, but will just recount two here, the first involving a French student, and the second Dwight D. (“Ike”) Eisenhower, Allen Dulles and Harry S. Truman.

  • Ide: Retracing Toledo’s Radical History

    In Toledo, isolation is the rule rather than the anomaly. This has not always been the case, however. Toledo has a long and radical history

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    Herman: Nasty Legacies

    It was amusing to see Peter Baker refer to the...

  • Breiner: Why We Should Spend Billions More On Trains

    Getting cars off the roads would help combat climate change and improve air quality. Government policy could make this happen. From Acela to Alaska, U.S. train travel offers a practical, affordable, and green alternative to travel by car and plane.

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    Street: Left Radicals, Radical Republicans, and Dismal Dollar Dems

    In recent months, “Progressive Democrats” have been hoping to breathe new life into the nation’s hopelessly 1%-dominated “two party system” by running the nominally socialist, technically Independent, and genuinely populist and domestically progressive U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

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    Marshall: From Ferguson to Freedom

    The protests resulting from events in Ferguson and New York have spurred a nation-wide anti-police brutality and social justice movement

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    Herman: Speaking Truth to Power or to the Powerless?

    One of the clichés repeated often by liberals and leftists, which always rubs me the wrong way, is that we must “speak truth to power.” But those with power usually already know the truth, but avoid it because it’s contrary to their interests or they don’t want to know it or hear about it, for the same reason

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    Street: Those Who Have Put Out The People’s Eyes

    It is no accident that many United States citizens seem bewildered when it comes to current events. It’s hard to make sense of a complex world when huge swaths of reality are denied serious and honest coverage and commentary in the nation’s reigning corporate “mainstream media” (“MSM”).


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