
Paul Street: Black, White, and Blue: Working Class Self-Defeat in Somerville

The lives of no racial or ethnic group seem to matter less to America’s soulless capitalist and imperial system than do those of Black Americans

Paul Street: Political Correctness: Handle with Care

Racial, gender, and ethnic diversity matters, of course, but political correctness (PC) tied to bourgeois identity politics can be deadly to Left thinkers and activists and to the causes of peace and social justice

Paul Street: Dirty Obama Secrets: From Warsaw to Dallas and Baton Rouge

A dirty little secret about candidate Obama was that he was a stealth agent of anti-Black U.S. societal racism. He brilliantly absolved the nation of its racist sins, past and present

Paul Street: Against the Quadrennial Intra-Leftist Bloodletting

it really doesn’t matter which side of the debate you back if we don’t get our act together to form “ongoing, dedicated, popular movements that don’t pay attention to the election cycle”

Paul Street: Homo Sapiens in the Exterminist Age of Capital

The project of building a united, militant, revolutionary, organized, durable, environmentalist, powerful, antimilitarist, and global Left is now an urgent life or death matter for many of us and for future generations

Paul Street: Understanding and Defeating Working Class Nativism

If you don’t believe immigration is used by employers to depress living and working standards in the U.S., then take a job in any U.S. factory that has a significant number of unpleasant low-skill tasks

Paul Street: Miranda, Obama, and Hamilton: an Orwellian Ménage à Trois for the Neoliberal Age

Miranda’s Hamilton is in this sense a perfect cultural wrap up to the ugly neoliberal Obama years. It is a brilliant ahistorical monument to Orwellian, fake-progressive bourgeois identity politics

Paul Street: Hillary Clinton’s Neocon Resumé

Liberal Democratic Hillary Clinton supporters get defensive when they hear that Mrs. Clinton is favored over Donald Trump by right-wing billionaires like Charles Koch and (with much more enthusiasm) by leading arch-imperial foreign policy Neoconservatives like Robert Kagan, Max Boot, and Eliot Cohen. But an honest look at Hillary’s record should make the support she Read more…

Paul Street: Hillary and the Corporate Elite

It’s not surprising that Wall Street prefers the friend that it knows

Paul Street: Break Free or Burn in Hell: a Message From Canada

We cannot depend on the carbon-caked corporate and financial powers that be

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