
Paul Street: Hillary Clinton’s Not-So-Strange Right-Wing Bedfellows

Democratic Hillary Clinton supporters got churlish when they heard media reports last spring that Clinton was favored over Donald Trump by the right-wing billionaire Charles Koch and by leading arch-imperial foreign policy neoconservatives like Robert Kagan, Max Boot, and Eliot Cohen. But unpleasant as many mainstream corporate and Clintonite Democrats might find such “strange bedfellow” Read more…

Paul Street: Kagame Visits Harvard

Never underestimate the global myopia and indifference that lurks beneath the surface of the United States’ supposedly Leftist higher educational system

Paul Street: Obama in Cuba

It’s not very often that you hear or see a salaried corporate media operative defend Fidel Castro and Che Guevara’s Cuban Revolution and its accomplishments. That’s why I did a double take when I read an opinion piece titled “Cuba’s Success Lost in Media Frenzy”

Paul Street: American Mass Shootings

Are you surprised to learn that the recent San Bernardino massacre was (by the statistical reckoning of the Washington Post) the 355th mass shooting to occur in the U.S. in 2015?

Paul Street: Benghazi and Blowback Blues

Benghazi and the larger context surrounding it also raised unpleasant questions about the Obama administration’s violation of federal law requiring Congressional oversight of the CIA

Paul Street: Posing as the Great Emancipator

What’s behind Obama’s supposed late-presidency epiphany on the evil of racially biased mass imprisonment? What drove the president’s “sudden desire to look like the Great Emancipator” (Margaret Kimberly)—this even while he offers close to nothing in the way of actual liberation

Paul Street: The Real Cost of Being Poor

Serious debates over what the minimum wage should be in various U.S. locales and jurisdictions should start with information on what it actually costs to live in the different places where Americans live.

Paul Street: From Watergate to Deflategate

One useful measure of a political culture’s moral level is the nature of what counts as a terrible outrage, disgrace, or scandal in that culture

Paul Street: Left Radicals, Radical Republicans, and Dismal Dollar Dems

In recent months, “Progressive Democrats” have been hoping to breathe new life into the nation’s hopelessly 1%-dominated “two party system” by running the nominally socialist, technically Independent, and genuinely populist and domestically progressive U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

Paul Street: Beyond False Dichotomies

The reality in most cases is that there are many in-between or other alternative options, not just two mutually exclusive ones…. There are two ways in which one can commit a false dilemma. First, one can assume that there are only two (or three, though that case is strictly speaking be a ‘false trilemma’) options when there really are many more

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