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ZMag Economy
  • Coles: Why The Poor Stay Poor

    The devastating wars raging across the Middle East can be explained in large part by America’s commitment to a doctrine of global militarism called “full spectrum dominance

  • Passant: Panama Papers: Capitalism Working for the Obscenely Rich

    The Panama Papers show us, once again, that capitalism is a system of absolute greed. It is a system where capitalist governments help their mates to hide their income and wealth while all the time businesses pretend they are paying their “fair share” of taxes.

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    Rasmus: Neoliberal Economists v. Bernie Sanders

    The irony of the Krugman/Gang of Four attack is that Sanders’s proposals represent what were once Democratic party positions and programs—positions that have been abandoned by the party and its mouthpiece economists since the 1980s as it morphed into a wing of the neoliberal agenda.

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    Early: The Last Hurrah in Richmond?

    Even Bernie Sanders, now the nation’s foremost critic of big money in politics, seems taken aback by the scale of Chevron spending on Bates’s behalf.

  • Dolack: Let Them Eat iPhones

    What if instead banks became a public utility with an end to speculation? Proposals are being floated in the U.S. to create state banks, perhaps on the model of the successful Bank of North Dakota


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