Fanfare for the Future

Occupy Theory


Occupy Theory offers concepts for understanding society and history as well as applications. Accessible and succinct, it facilitates undertaking visionary and strategic work with a participatory theory.

The chapters of Occupy Theory, by Michael Albert and Mandisi Majavu, are:

Crazy Patterns
Refining Four Views
Society and History
Modes of Analysis
Participatory Theory

You can get Occupy Theory in print from ZBooks via our store for $15, but Fanfare is a three book set and you can buy all three books in the set for $30 saving a full $15. The multi book discount is available from the ZStore Fanfare Section.

You can also get Occupy Theory, if you prefer, from Amazon (Occupy Theory for Kindle) and from the IBooks store (Occupy Theory for ipad).  


Occupy VisionfanfarefutureOccupy Vision develops vision for a participatory society. It addresses values and institutions for economy, polity, kinship, culture, ecology, and international relations proposing what is needed for a truly desirable new world.The chapters of Occupy Vision, by Michael Albert and Mark Evans, are:

Visionary Values
Beyond Class Rule is Parecon
Self Management Implies Parpolity
Feminism to Parkinship
Nationalism to Intercommunalism
Participatory Ecology
Participatory World

You can get Occupy Theory in print from ZBooks via our store for $15, but Fanfare is a three book set and you can buy all three books in the set for $30 saving a full $15. The multi book discount is available from the ZStore Fanfare Section.

You can also get Occupy Theory, if you prefer, from Amazon (Occupy Theory for Kindle) and from the IBooks store (Occupy Theory for ipad).


 Occupy Strategy

occupystrategyOccupy Strategy develops ideas and methods for conceiving and evaluating strategy and assessing and employing tactics to attain a participatory society. It completes the Fanfare set.

The chapters of Occupy Strategy, by Michael Albert, Jessica Azulay, and David Marty, are:

Strategy Is Central
Strategy Is Complex
Tactics Are Transient
Still More Strategic Issues
What Else Can You Show Me
Paths Forward
The Logic of Revolution

You can get Occupy Theory in print from ZBooks via our store for $15, but Fanfare is a three book set and you can buy all three books in the set for $30 saving a full $15. The multi book discount is available from the ZStore Fanfare Section.

You can also get Occupy Theory, if you prefer, from Amazon (Occupy Theory for Kindle) and from the IBooks store (Occupy Theory for ipad).

Some Text and Video ExtrasfastforwardfutureSome Texts…Sargent: Post Sexist Society
Peters: Kinship Vision
Podur: Life After Racism
Marom: Intercommunalism
Shalom: Visionary Pol / Future Pol
Albert: 7 Reasons for Parecon
Hahnel: In Defense of Parecon
Albert: Parecon & Parsoc
More Parecon

Some Relevant Debates

oldbookDebating with:

Social Ecology
Peer to Peer
Two Socialists
Market Socialism
Post Modernism




Some Reviews/DiscussionsocialrevShalom Interviews Albert
Scathing Blog Review
A Reply by Albert

More to be posted as they become available…








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